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Best relic weapon for a lord?


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I would vote a murder sword. There are'nt really a lot of units that can stand against even a sole lord with say, a murder sword, mark, 4+, and a gift of mutation.


Normally there is only 1 killy HQ, which will have to avoid you like the plague or feed, dramatically changing your opponents battle plan.


2+ is a problem, but its just a matter of who positions a tarpits better in that case...



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the MS is up there with scroll of magnus as far as viability goes. Mace is best because it used on more then 1 unit , then brand and then the khorn ax [which is nice but limited to lords].

The most Recent FAQ allows the Axe of Blind Fury to be taken on a Daemon of Khorne too.

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On a first daemon prince, sure.  On a second prince, though...


On a lord, all things being equal, I'd say the axe.  All things aren't equal, though, and a lot of times maximizing the utility of the lord takes a second seat to unlocking plague marines (or, to a lesser degree, noise marines), in which event I'd go with the brand on a bike lord, with fisticlaws as melee weapons, despite he cost.  Mace is also ok on a lord, though I prefer axe or brand there, saving the mace for princes.

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the MS is up there with scroll of magnus as far as viability goes. Mace is best because it used on more then 1 unit , then brand and then the khorn ax [which is nice but limited to lords].

The most Recent FAQ allows the Axe of Blind Fury to be taken on a Daemon of Khorne too.

Am not talking about possibilities but real use. the khorn DP is the worse of all DPs and mace outclasses the ax by a mile . We could ponder the use of the ax on a second DP in our lists , but by the time we do that we may as well take a chaos demons GD with better rules. and sorc of course cant take the ax. So its lord only.

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I dont think there is a "best" weapon for a lord, it depends on type or list, mark on lord, your opponents army, lots of things. That being said, I love my blind axe on K lord but that has to be MoK. But someone else might want MoN on lord to take PM's as troops or to get T6 on biker lord , etc. Then I guess it would be black mace, or maybe PF,( for non D-waepon). Also it's hard to argue against brand on biker lord, and maybe just a PW. I really cant see murder sword being the best unless your opponent has some special character that just changes his whole army or something, and even then the SC cant have termi armor.

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