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Noise Marines/Word Bearers

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Variel - that's the one (my memory for people's names sucks something awful). I was just using him as an example of another apothecary amongst the chaos legions, Talos used to be one too (as you said), but IIRC by the time we meet him in the books he's lost much of his former skill as a surgeon (to the point where Variel has a gibe at him for his less than skillful removal of some progenoid glands).


I didn't mean that Variel was anything like Fabius (just to be clear).

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On the subject of not sharing your stuff in general and the World Eaters not giving out info on how to make the Butcher's Nails in particular....wouldn't the stereotypical World Eater respond to information that the Word Bearers were making armies of Berzerker troops outfitted with Nails to fight the World Eaters with "EXCELLENT! FINALLY, WE SHALL FACE ENEMIES WORTHY OF OUR AXES! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!"

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To be fair, the world eater response to somebody baking cookies would be:


KILL MAIM BURN, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD... Mmm blood covered cookies, nomnomnom, Where's the milk? ... KILL MAIM BURN, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD...

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On the subject of not sharing your stuff in general and the World Eaters not giving out info on how to make the Butcher's Nails in particular....wouldn't the stereotypical World Eater respond to information that the Word Bearers were making armies of Berzerker troops outfitted with Nails to fight the World Eaters with "EXCELLENT! FINALLY, WE SHALL FACE ENEMIES WORTHY OF OUR AXES! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!"


+1 to this

for khorne cares not from where the blood comes

just that it does

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