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Company Colors Idea for Blood Bull Army


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So here is my latest brainstorm.  It will, of course, require me to redo plenty of stuff already painted.




So, generally Codex adherent with Color usage.  I MAY cange te end companys around a bit.  For now - 1st Co. White, 2nd Yellow, 3rd Red, 4th Green, 5th Black, 6th Grey, 7th Blue, 8th ?  Brown.  Solid color will be regular Marine.  White stripes denote Sergeants.  All Sgts will either be assigned veterans from the 1st, OR, simply given Veteran status due to rank and allowed to wear the white.  The Brown crests at the end will be used to denote Allies when I ally Space Marines into my Army. I have plans on using Codex:Space Marine Allies to bring Moloc and Enkomi in,since I use Mino Iconography.  Figured if they were ALL Brown it would be easy to ID Allies.  As of now DC has a White crest to show honored status.  I originally had them Red, but based on my new idea, that made no sense.  Another idea, based on some others ideas I have seen in the Forums, is to have each DC crest the color of the Company he FELL from.  It would add more color to the table.  The Helmet with the Transverse Crest is a Sang Priest.  I use Bone as the armor color.  Thinking White crest for all, with, POSSIBLY, a strip or two of color - either one down the middle, or a small one at each end, to signify Company assignment.  There will be NO Orange or Pink Crests in my Army.  What you see is ALL Companys in the Army.  I will designate Battle and Reserve Companys later.


Bear in mind that I have done NO shading yet, this is a very preliminary test.  Comments and suggestions anyone please?

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I love those helmets,


However I would suggest having plumed helmets just for officers of higher ranks since I am studying Classics at school now and the average soldier who did all the main fighting usually wore helmets with not plumes on them. It is up to you and whatever you choose good luck :)

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I love those helmets,

However I would suggest having plumed helmets just for officers of higher ranks since I am studying Classics at school now and the average soldier who did all the main fighting usually wore helmets with not plumes on them. It is up to you and whatever you choose good luck smile.png

I originally did that. My friends biggest critque was too much bronze, I needed more color. I did a squad of DC with all plumes (Red, so now I will probably be changing them) and they looked GOOD to me, so I went with all plumes. Thanks for the input though, I do appreciate all feedback.

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