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Maasai inspired Blood Angels - New to 40K


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Hello everyone,

I am new to the world of 40k and I have decided to play the Blood Angels Codex. I enjoy the fluff thoroughly but I want to create a chapter that is unique and I don't think anyone has made anything like this before...

I have decided to go with an African themed DIY BA chapter - namely inspired by the Maasai tribe who subsequently also wear Red.

My decision for this was due to the lack of any African based chapters not even African American - the closest thing are the Salamanders and they look like they have just dipped themselves into black paint and back - I think there is some speculation of whether they were originally from a black culture but I think that their fluff behind their skin colour is just strange. sleep.png

Anyway here is my idea for a general chapter colour scheme: and different colours will suggest different parts of the their culture and in this case it will represent the different squads:

This will be indicated by their wrist colours and just general markings on their shoulder pads and sometimes their head crests - resembling the jewelery they wear in Maasai culture

Red symbolizes Danger, Bravery, Strength, and Unity, representing the challenges the Maasai people face in every day life.

Blue symbolizes Sustenance and Energy, representing the sky, which provides water for the people and their cattle.

Green symbolizes Nourishment and Production, representing the land that provides food for the people and livestock while also symbolizing the putting down of roots and the protection of one’s territory.

Orange symbolizes Warmth, Friendship, Generosity and Hospitality, representing the color of the gourd used for sharing milk amongst guests and welcoming visitors into one’s home.

Yellow symbolizes Fertility and Growth, representing the color of the Sun which helps grow the grass, that feeds the cattle and sustains life.

White symbolizes Purity and Health, representing cow’s milk, which provides sustained nourishment.

Black symbolizes Unity, Harmony and Solidarity, representing the color of the people and
the daily struggles they endure.


A battle-brother of a Tactical Squad

Also I have some crazy ideas of them riding lions and camels into battle instead of bikes and maybe I could try finding shields that look like maasai shields. Their armour will also be adorned with Maasai art.

Questiosn to you guys:

What do you guys think of the idea?

How is the colour scheme?

What name would you suggest?


Coconuts smile.png

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I think It's a great idea. Most chapters draw recruits from one or at the most a few different planets. That could easily explain the skin tone and culture. :)


I think It's a great colour scheme.



Blood Tribe, Angelic Nation, Rogue Angels, The Tribal Angels?

Bear with me if some of the above might have inappropriate meanings. English isn't my primary language. :)


I think It's a good concept with firm roots in reality. That's a decent recipe for success.

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Dude. For the win. The color scheme is neat, I say go for it!


As for names... I don't know much about african culture. Do the Maasai speak swahili? I did some research for a book a while back and came up with "Mwishu Damu" meaning "The Last Blood." Maybe you could run with that. Linguistics can make even the most boring stuff sound awesome. Just look at the german language!

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Dude. For the win. The color scheme is neat, I say go for it!


As for names... I don't know much about african culture. Do the Maasai speak swahili? I did some research for a book a while back and came up with "Mwishu Damu" meaning "The Last Blood." Maybe you could run with that. Linguistics can make even the most boring stuff sound awesome. Just look at the german language!

Hmm, "the Last Blood?" Sounds interesting, perhaps that could be the chapter's name for their Death Company? Maybe in reference to their glorious end in battle, fighting until the "last blood?"

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Dude. For the win. The color scheme is neat, I say go for it!


As for names... I don't know much about african culture. 


That's probably because Africa is a continent.   What the OP is doing is a Kenyan or North Tanzanian tribal theme - not a generic catch all "African" theme- because there is no generic catch all "African" culture.


For reference and scale: 



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What do you guys think of using c'tan deceiver as the sanguinor but change the head for a normal marine head - it fits the idea of voodoo gods - instead of painting gold he will be painted in the skin tone with a red draped cloth around him.
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Should I leave my death company wearing black armour or adorn them with white armour instead? 

Also from what I have heard many people dont like the idea of the reanimating statutes of the sanguinary guard via voodoo magic - if so how should I paint them? Perhaps have them black and the death company white or idk?

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Just looked up that C'Tan model.  Looks great, and seems like it wil fit well with your theme.  The reanimation idea is interesting.  Is Voodoo big among the Massai?  I don't know.  If it is, perhaps have the Death Company be reanimated warriors given there final fight.  And what color is most associated with Voodoo?  Thats the color I would use on them, keeping the theme.  Also, any Storm Shields, i would use the cool Maasai shields (pointy at both ends).  Also, a lot of power spears.

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I think they practice vodun instead of voodoo in africa but they both still have the same concepts with spirits. I may paint the sanguinary guard black or silver and perhaps the death company white. What do you think?
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Like the idea. Just so you know you don't have to go all African American type heads. Remember that not counting specific mutations in the gene seed that a space marines skin tone will change depending on radiation exposure and such. So if you wanted you could say your chapter has a veriance like the salamanders do that cause the skin to stay brown or black.
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Thanks guys for all your comments.

I have a question - what do you guys/girls thinks about using this http://www.bitsandkits.co.uk/space-wolf-marine-cloak-p-5393.html


For some special characters like dante etc. if i paint it in such a way to resemble a lion pelt or another top african predator then it might work. I am thinking of giving my dante some wings and also some other characters and i wonder if it will clash or complement them?


I still can't decide on a colour for the sanguinary guard - how about black instead of reanimated statues.

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Voodoo/Voudun is more associated with the Caribbean area or people of African descent in the Western hemisphere. In a continental African context, your religious connections may be similar, if they were from a West African-esque planet, but if you are doing the Masai look into the folk religions of the Eastern continent. It needs to be said that I don't know how much survives of pre-Western contact to make it super flavorful, and you may want to go with a more pan-African vibe not only for cool factor but for ease of us. I'm an anthropologist and I know quite little about specific tribal beliefs/customs (I specialize in Nordic regions and am not an Africanist scholar). In any case, it's a super unique idea to my mind and it sounds great. Masai shields and maybe warrior stripes on their armor! I think it fits with Blood Angels really well, especially given those iconic cloaks!

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