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Hail, Brothers!

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Hello, fellow Astartes. I come to you as a pilgrim at the behest of the Holy God-Emperor himself. I am a Brother-Captain of the most humble and honourable Iron Knights Astartes chapter. We are blade-masters without compare and tireless defenders of humanity. My fellow warriors! I beseech you, welcome this weary pilgrim into your resplendant fortress-monastery, and guide my blade to where it might serve the Emperor best.

(Here are a few combat snaps of my warriors, taken at the local practise cages. My apologies for the low resolution and blurred focus of the camera-servitor.)



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hmmm i always did enjoy seeing marines all metal color-Deus mortem ad cadauer


Yep, I saw a small picture of them with a small paragraph of fluff in (IIRC) the 4th Ed SM codex, and couldn't resist starting an army. But I'm a very slow painter. ;)


Shake and Bake!


Nice models.


:D Nice reference. And thanks.


Looks good Cancerblack - welcome to B&C!


As you are a new member, please take a minute to familiarize yourself with the forum rules.


Feel free to ask any questions you may have!


Thanks, and consider them read. I do have a question about the space marine painter: I used it once a few days ago, but now when I go to the page it shows me the finished "copy url" page with a blank marine, and the instructrions link takes me to a 404. I've tried deleting cookies/temporary files, to no avail.


Welcome aboard, Brother, and excellent work with those models!


Thanks, and thanks! :)

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