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Full size Chaos Space Marine helmet Army list?!


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My mate Liam has made scratchbuilt Warhound and Warlord Titans but his latest efforts is his army list for the recent Throne of Skulls at Warhammer World - a life sized Chaos Space Marine Helmet. Amazingly it didn't win, our mate Otty's Inquisator's evidence case of Eldar Xenos relics and data sheets did.

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-XO95pIuM2fA/UUXf67D6DtI/AAAAAAAAGks/qCR7lNvZ898/s320/IMG_2820.JPG   http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Bs-kQRQf5yM/UUXf9U1NljI/AAAAAAAAGlE/qsdLSK_0S2U/s320/IMG_2823.JPG


It's taken a while but I finally got some extra pics of the construction process. So if you want to try to make your own, go check out my blog http://40kaddict.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/how-its-made-full-sized-chaos-space.html

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  • 2 weeks later...

That must have been one badass briefcase to beat that!


Here's the link to the Facebook gallery but Otty's winning Inquisitor case is here:












The difference being that Otty's had the back story and was a comprehensive package whereas although the helmet was awesome, it was just the list. As the list is detachable perhaps the next time Liam takes it there may be more to the armour, I suggested he do a chain axe with the army's back story 'engraved' on the blades...

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