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This is what I came up for so far


Huron Blackheart 160

8 Chosen

power first, 4 meltagun, power weapon 224

Rhino 35


10 Chaos Space Marines

2 plasma guns 170

In Rhino 35


10 Chaos Space Marines

2 flamers 150

In Rhino 35


10 Chaos Space Marines 


plasma gun 165

In Rhino 35


Vindicator 120

Vindicator 120


3 Obliterators 210

Mark of Nurgle 18 228


Bale Drake 170

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This will soon be moved to army list section.

- you will get some crap for using chosen, I dont think they are so bad, but if you take them , give them plaz, (you know huron cant infiltrate them right ?)

- dont mix plaz and melta in same unit

- I personally dont like vindi's, short range and 11 side armor

other then that the list looks pretty good realy

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Huron can't infiltrate them why?


They are infantry so can be given infiltrate via Master of Deception as far as I'm aware.


A unit with infiltrate can actually infiltrate in their transport in 6th as well.


In point of fact, Huron can give himself infiltrate, join the chosen thus giving it to them and also their transport, and that only uses up 1 of the "infiltrate choices" he can allocate.


I do second the "don't mix special weapons advice" - you want units with a clear purpose, not all-rounders.

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(you know huron cant infiltrate them right ?)

Can you explain why not?

My bad. I was thinking Huron coulld only infiltrate TROOPS, that is not the case. He can infiltrate chosen. Sorry.

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