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Mark of the Wulfen, and a storm hammer

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Evening all,


First off - I'd like to highlight that I *have* used the search function here (you can all be proud of me). It does sound like a question that should have been asked before, but I couldn't see anything that jumped out as answering it.


I'm thinking of giving my lone wolf the Mark of the Wulfen. The rule looks very helpful for a close combat unit. However - the lone wolf has a thunder hammer - and is very effective with it. The rule says that the attacks are made with teeth and claws, so no war gear rules are used.


Are these separate attacks to the 2 a lone wolf has, or do they replace the attacks?

If they replace the attacks, are they made with the stats that the thunder hammer provides?... Does this include the initiative modifier?


Sorry if I've missed this question else where, and thank you in advance for your input.

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MotW gives D6+1 A with the rending special rule, which replace the models own A characteristic, however the model CANNOT benefit from bonuses conferred by other melee weapons.


In other words, no you don't get D6+1 A at S8 I1 with AP2, rending and concussion or 2A at S8 I1 AP2 with concussion plus D6+1 A at S4 with rending. Because the Wulfen attacks replace his standard attacks and a Wulfen cannot even use the Thunder Hammer because he has to attack as a Wulfen, therefore losing the benefits of his melee weapons entirely.


You can't even claim +1A for 2CCWs.


I would therefore give a Wulfen Lone Wolf a pair of Plasma Pistols (which he CAN use in the shooting phase) and maybe a couple of fenrisian wolves as ablative wounds.

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