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A question to my fellow Blood angels here!


How do you use these Sternguard veterans? 5? 10? 10, combatsquaded, in a drop pod?


And do you equip them all with combi meltas or just the one thats in the pack?


I have 2 of the packs on the way now, and i was wondering what your thoughts are on these!

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You have to support them with a couple other drop podded units or they get wiped out first turn. Make sure you build them to suit a role. Use 5 with combimeltas to hunt a single major tank or 10 with 2 heavy flamers and other anti-infantry weapons to hunt an important infantry unit. I find that they get killed very quickly and rarely make their points back. I'd probably use them in a rhino tbh and bring them up with the rest of your army. I find that they play a strickly supporting role and not much else.
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General consensus is to max out on combi weapons. Either meltas to nuke a tank, or plasma to kill heavy infantry.


The pod allows you to combat squad after departing, so you can tackle 2 units when they depart, ie a land raider and contents.


Combat squadding also presents 2 targets to the opponent.


You are still using 300+pts of unit to take out an enemy. Only really worth it if there is a high target priority unit in a tank, like a DA command squad with banner.

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Im thinking of using them with 2 fragiosos.. Means i dont have any option for a priest, but my latest games havent had much use of one anyway..! My friends armies all contain several tanks, or units that i really want to kill in turn one, which is why i want to try this out..!

But im also thinking that their reguler bolters and special issue ammo could work against alot of the people i play against..


Im not sure if i need to build 8 more combi meltas, or buy them some place, or if i should just use them as they come from the box..! Generally my group doesnt matter about proxying and stuff, but im guessing tournaments do..

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I usually use a full squad with 2 combi-meltas for insurance transported in a LR or a LRC. Usually they are a massive speed bump to help weaken a powerful enemy unit or help remove enemy units with mass bolter fire. Don't forget the special bolter ammo Sterguard have access to. Unloading a full Sterguard squad from a 12 in range from a LRC is plain deadly. 

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Last one i ran had 5 sternguard and Corbulo leading the way. 1 Heavy flamer and the rest with combi-meltas. Great for removing threats and very survivable.

Yeah I've heard they can be pretty deadly with Corb and/or Tycho in there to give em a little something extra.

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I see.. Meltas seems to be the way to go.. I wonder if i need to build a bunch of combi meltas, or if i should just proxy the meltas..!

And also, anyone got some tips on painting resin models? Priming them, and such? I dont know which colour scheme i should go for.. standard red, or something gold and awesome..!

They will hopefully arrive tomorrow! I do need another drop pod tho, and seeing as i only have one drop pod, and you shouldnt use just 2 of them, i guess i need 2 drop pods.. and another furioso dread..!

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If you have extra Infernus Pistols & Bolters it isn't actually that hard to convert your own.

Basically, cut off the barrel and hand guard of the bolter, cut down the melta pistol until it's body is about the same size as the removed hand guard, glue it in there, and glue the bolter's barrel back on above it.

You can do the same thing with plasma pistols or hand flamers for the other two combi-weapon types. The Plasmas are kind of hard to see, but the other two look pretty good.

Edit: just realised you said "build" and not "buy"... d'oh pinch.gif Carry on, nothing to see here

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If you can get 5 Drop Pods in the list and bring down 2 Fragiosos and a Sternguard squad on turn 1 I think the smart player will focus on the Fragiosos and not the Sternies, once s Furioso makes combat he gets alot better/ harder to deal with. 


Try and go first and then you are in combat before any flyers come on and you are in great shape.

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Oh come on Viper.. I already have enough problems finding funds to the 2 drop pods im already missing, as well as the fragioso.. Now you're telling me i need another 2 drop pods? :P

Oh well, i guess my DC Dreadnought, along with 10 reguler bolter dcs wants to join in.. :P Unless you have a better idea of what to have in them! I do know that the DC dread should come from a raven, seeing as it needs to assault, but it might work..! Thats not gonna happen before i have my first 2 Drop pods, and the last fragioso tho..!

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I've used them in a squad of 5, with 3x Combi Meltas and 2x Heavy Flamers. All mounted in a rhino.


It's a small flexible unit that can plug gaps or assist other parts of my force. They die easily if targeted, but generally aren't my most imposing unit and so can slip under the radar.

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I use a squad of five with 2 plasmaguns and 2 combiplasmas.  The discounted Plasmaguns are godsend and I've never found myself wanting any specialist ammo when I had S7 AP2 24" Rapidfire.  The combi plasmas are great for deterring 2+ units, MCs and vehicles.  Overall they are relatively well priced and pack a good punch.  I run them on foot, because they have good range, but if you want an Alpha Strike unit the Drop Pod is a must. 


I also have a Power Fist on the Sergeant to avoid getting in CC with something I can't shake off, but that's optional.  If you can support them with other units, don't do this.  I did it because I tend to run them rather solitary,like a spec-ops squad, to support my Bolter Death Company.

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Well I played v necrons a few nights ago, and I podded in 9 stern guard and a sang priest. 5 combi meltas, and sang priest took storm bolter and melta bombs.


Along side them i podded in a Tac squad, sgt with combi plas, plasma gun and heavy bolter.

Apart from my plasma gunner rapid firing a beastie and rolling 2 '1's and killing himself whilst failing his armour and FNP on t2, the tactic worked rather well.


There's a lot of 3+ and FNP saves there to make and they survived a long time.

2 combi metas melted a spider dude, and the other 3 one of those annoying barge things with men shooting out of it, 40 rapid fire gauss weapons an be painful.


My Tac squad kept his immortals in check whilst this was happening. Whilst capturing an objective.


I wouldn't drop them in without back up I don't think, and crons with that many shots, glancing on 6's I went infantry heavy and avoided armour.


After a couple of turns of shooting and switching ammo types they'd made their points back and reaped a good ally for the blessed angel :-)


I never used to like sterns, but now I'm really favouring them for their flexibility and pain punching rapid fires. Wounding an avatar on 2s is a great ability when they are toughness 8!!! So sure terminators are cool, but a little extra your getting more bang for your buck..IMO

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I put mine in a rhino with combi-plasmas and 2 plasma cannons to deal with any really tough infantry (i.e.: terminators). I play them purely as a support unit.


Most AM's have 2 x melta guns, and I also roll with some multi-melta bikes, so I feel that any more melta weapons would be overkill. Plus, getting within melta range means that they will probably end up in CC, which is pointless, since any good old assault squad can fair just as well.

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If you have extra Infernus Pistols & Bolters it isn't actually that hard to convert your own.

Basically, cut off the barrel and hand guard of the bolter, cut down the melta pistol until it's body is about the same size as the removed hand guard, glue it in there, and glue the bolter's barrel back on above it.

You can do the same thing with plasma pistols or hand flamers for the other two combi-weapon types. The Plasmas are kind of hard to see, but the other two look pretty good.

Edit: just realised you said "build" and not "buy"... d'oh pinch.gif Carry on, nothing to see here

Cutting up infernus pistols to build combi-meltas makes baby Sanguinius cry... :P

Seriously guys, those are hard enough to come by on bits sites as it is!

I use a squad of five with 2 plasmaguns and 2 combiplasmas. The discounted Plasmaguns are godsend and I've never found myself wanting any specialist ammo when I had S7 AP2 24" Rapidfire.

Going for the full fledged guns as opposed to the combi variants is usually the way to go. There are some occasions where the specialist ammo will perform better than a melta or plasma but overall they will out-math the fancy bolter shells at 12" and below.

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If you have extra Infernus Pistols & Bolters it isn't actually that hard to convert your own.

Basically, cut off the barrel and hand guard of the bolter, cut down the melta pistol until it's body is about the same size as the removed hand guard, glue it in there, and glue the bolter's barrel back on above it.

You can do the same thing with plasma pistols or hand flamers for the other two combi-weapon types. The Plasmas are kind of hard to see, but the other two look pretty good.

Edit: just realised you said "build" and not "buy"... d'oh pinch.gif Carry on, nothing to see here

Cutting up infernus pistols to build combi-meltas makes baby Sanguinius cry... tongue.png

Seriously guys, those are hard enough to come by on bits sites as it is!

Very true. I did this for some combi meltas and now am short on Infernus Pistols. Think when I get alittle extra cash I am hoing to go for these Lance Carbines http://www.anvilindustry.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&path=60_104&product_id=276 ALL combi options if you can magnetize a little bit.

Edit: Just reread the item description - pre-drilled magnet holes. So even easier than I thought.

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I have about 20 infernus pistols lying around.. Buying death company after death company packs for my assault marines, and never used more then one or two of them..!

Im still waiting for my Sternguards now, so i whont be trying them out today..! Im really looking forward to see how they do!

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Its proberbly better, and cheaper to use about 5-10 vanguards, and a libby to reroll hits..! Going for rear armour then, ususally glances on double 1s, means that with rerolls you should be able to get it down anyway, even with some bad rolls..! :P

And then i can sell the rest of the infernus pistols and buy me something more awesome..! I need drop pods..! 5 of them.. thanks alot Viper.. :P


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I put mine in a rhino with combi-plasmas and 2 plasma cannons to deal with any really tough infantry (i.e.: terminators). I play them purely as a support unit.


Most AM's have 2 x melta guns, and I also roll with some multi-melta bikes, so I feel that any more melta weapons would be overkill. Plus, getting within melta range means that they will probably end up in CC, which is pointless, since any good old assault squad can fair just as well.


For the same price you could get 4 Plasma cannons in a Devastator squad..  Granted they'd have less utility but if you want support you can't beat this..

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General consensus is to max out on combi weapons.


ACK!!  ><;


Not mine!!!! 


Im of the belief that you're paying 25 points a model for 2 things. 1 = a vet statline and 2 = special issue ammo.

The Stern's ability doesn't only lie in its alpha strike ability but in the versatility of the ammo. Pumping the model cost up to 30 for 1 use of special weapon seems like a poor use of points.  


Id rather use a squad of 8-10 with 2MG,1PG combi max.  The rest as usual.  Rhinos are actually great too- that way you can get a libby in there and use the Div powers from turn one. 

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