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Arming the Lord?


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Okay, I'm building a Lord for a mate of mine who's taking his first steps into the lure of the Dark Prince, the fool.


 There are no first steps. There are only last steps before we have him.


As part of this, I want to ask the assembled cognoscenti what is the best load out for a Slaanesh-marked Lord in Terminator Armour? This is just going to be a stand-alone model as such, there are no plans to give him a Termie retinue that I know of, indeed this guy isn't even aware that I'm doing this. However, I do want to make this Lord viable in games should he be used.


 I have leaned towards a pair of lightning claws (modelled as a pair of sod-off big swords) up to now, but I'm picking up thoughts from here that suggest the Black Mace is also an option.


I confess my interpretation of rules is a sketchy thing at best but would the Black Mace still follow the maul rules for concussion?

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The black mace is not a power maul, so doesn't follow any of the rules for it as far as I'm aware.


My nurgle lord in terminator armour has the black mace and a power axe (as you get a free power weapon when you upgrade to terminator armour I thought I'd keep it and give myself the option of using it if needed), although the black mace has proved useful/lucky at bypassing 2+ armour saves (loads of saves=decent chance of a 1 being rolled).

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Chaos Lord

  • Terminator Armor
  • Lightning Claw
  • Burning Brand of Skalathrax
  • Melta Bombs
  • Mark of Slaanesh
Good, versatile, deadly.


Such a lord has the potential to be useful in every role you set him to. The Brand is an excellent weapon to thin the enemy lines and to kill marines, the Lightning Claw uses the full benefits of the Mark of Slaanesh while the Melta Bomb is for the case that the lord and his escort have to fight enemy armour.

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I don't normally take TDA Lords because it slows them down but if I were to take one, this would be it.

The Black Mace follows the rules for unusual power weapons except that instead of AP3 it is explicitly listed as AP4 in the codex. So ... it doesn't follow the power weapon rules at all laugh.png

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If you are really set on terminator armor then I'd go with a Black Mace. A secondary option would be a lightning claw and burning brand but most of all I'd suggest making him power armored and putting him on a bike or steed. Last but not least there's the fist/claw combo with sigil of corruption. I suggest magnets for this guy :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

I usually go with a powerfist and a lightning claw. That way he's tactically flexible and doesn't give up an attack, as they are both specialist weapons. Then I throw him in a unit of Slaaneshi Terminators w/ lightning claws & an Icon of Excess. Deploy as preferred. Coupled w/ BaleDrakes, anything w/ a 3+ is getting off the table awful quick, and its quite reasonably priced considering the sheer shock factor it's packing.

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Completely agree with Tenebris on equipment. Not on reasoning though.

In our new glorious codex you do not want your lord in CC or challenges, because he will be pulped by pretty much any special character and most of enemy lords (unless you're playing against another CSM of course).

  • Skalathrax gives him powerful shooting, so you can hide him inside a big shooty block of Noise Marines for example.
  • TDA gives him better survivability, especially in this edition.
  • Melta bombs, just in case of dreadnoughts.
  • Claw and VotLW to give him a tiny chance to do at least something in case enemy will charge you.
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  • 4 weeks later...

If you take a gun emplacement and havocs just give him a lightning claw and stick him on the emplacement. He's shooting at BS 5 with 6s picking off specific models.

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I don't normally take TDA Lords because it slows them down but if I were to take one, this would be it.

The Black Mace follows the rules for unusual power weapons except that instead of AP3 it is explicitly listed as AP4 in the codex. So ... it doesn't follow the power weapon rules at all laugh.png

Except that the Black Mace doesn't follow any of the rules for unusual power weapons because it's not a power weapon at all. No where in any of its rules does it even come close to saying that it's a power weapon of any kind.

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