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Unforgiven, Stepper's style


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Greetings my fellow unforgiven,


Following Captain Semper's advice, i'll show my growing Dark Angels force in this most revered part of the forum.


This will be a slow progress, but that's the way it is. As stated in my wip thread i'm a slow painter a with little time at that, so when i do paint it's mostly HQ or marines like the vanguard veterans, which i love to tinker with a lot. Also i don't play the game i just paint and collect so you're gonna see some astartes who aren't codex legal, but enough off this rambling....let's see some Dark Angels ^^


Company Master Michael




Company Champion




More to follow :-)



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And finally for now the Venerable Dreadnought


With this one i wanted an exterme contrast between so went for lots of rust but nice and crisp paintwork on the exterior.










I do apologize for the quality of the pictures but i have yet to get a good camera, so these where made with my tablet.


Hope u enjoy





Nicely done Stepper; I personally really like the dark green ;) esp. on the robes.

Not a huge fan of all that rust though, It seems your techmarines are too slack on their servitors. Battle damage and dirt are allowed whilst on campaign, rust is laziness and shall be punished :P


Welcome to the Rock.




Thnx everyone for the nice comments teehee.gif

Hopefully i can paint some more this week and then add some new Astartes to my thread.

Also if any of you have some ideas about the bases, lemme know, because i just cant dicide what color to use wallbash.gif

C&C welcome ofc ^^



  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

First let me start with apologising for my lack of update, had some rough times with the wife losing her job and all, after some days i finally found the will to paint again. Mind you its still very early wip, but the way i look at it is that aleast im painting again.


Lemme know what you think.





  On 5/9/2013 at 12:45 PM, Isiah said:

Awesome indeed - maybe needs a bit more work on the sword's psychic crackle?




It does indeed, im experimenting with blue and purple glazes, it repost when im done ^^




  • 2 weeks later...

Stepper, sorry to hear about the wife's job loss, that stinks and bad news always kills my motivation, so just try to keep yours up some.


As for your models, they look fantastic! The rust on the Ven Dread is a little overdone for me, but it's still a fantastic job all around. I really like your start on that Chaplain, he looks great, and you did an awesome job fitting that all together. The old school librarian really looks smashing, but I will agree that it will look even better with the force sword completed. That Deathwing Terminator is extremely smooth, so :tu: on that!


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