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Gets Hot! query


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Clear RAI

No, it's quite simple. If the re-roll is a 1, you take a Gets Hot wound. If your first roll is a 1 and your second roll is 1 you take the wound. If your first roll is a 2 and your second roll is a 1, you take the wound. The only roll that matters is the re-roll, just forget what the first one was for the purposes of Gets Hot.


What the rulebook is referring to there is the fact that when you roll a 1, you'll only suffer Gets Hot on another roll of a 1.


One valid interpretation of RAW

"if the To Hit re-roll is also a 1" - so both of the rolls must be 1 to suffer wound. So if you re-roll a 2 and get a 1, you suffer no wound.

This is where context becomes important - the "also a one" statement is within the context of having already rolled a one. It is just a reinforcement of the earlier general rule that when re-rolling a die the re-rolled outcome is completely ignored in favor of the new outcome.
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"if the To Hit re-roll is also a 1" - so both of the rolls must be 1 to suffer wound. So if you re-roll a 2 and get a 1, you suffer no wound.


As dswanick has said, it's to do with context. The RAI is clearly a 1 on the re-roll is Gets Hot. This is just bad rules writing by GW. You can try to enforce this in a game if you wish, but be prepared for an argument and righteously upset/mad opponent.

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