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Tau as allies


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So i'm looking at the tau codex and i like quite  a bit of what i see. however i can't really commit myself to a tau army right now os i was thinking of an allied detachments for my nurgle marines. 


I already have about 10 crisis suits and 20 fire warriors as well as lots of drones. 


I was thinking about a farsight cadre which would break down as follows


-Farsight - ap2 at I4, gotta be awesome

-7 suit body guard, whole unit deepstrikes without scatter and has a good shooting/overwatch ability aswell as hit and run. they hunt the warlord and anything big and scary


Those two join together and i use them as a bomb.


-2 squads of fire warriors. 


hide them in cover or behind and aegis and park on the home objectives




they look awesome and they have big guns


-hammerhead with railgun






I think that this has potential to be good but i have never played tau so would appreciate ay advice. Anyone else thinking of taking them on as allies? 

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I think alot of people are thinking of taking them as allies. One thing though, doesn't the Farsight guy have to be warlord to get the DS without scatter? If so you're thinking of Tau as the primary and CSM as secondary or?

ah yes, good point about the warlord. still pretty good though although not quite so nice. 

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S thinking about this furth I think at my main problems with my army are that I don't have anything to get up in the enemies face nice and us kly and I don't have many troops as I run plague marines. Also it feels a waste to hide the plague Raines at the back. The fire warriors will make a nice castle behind an aegis line and can sit on an objective, threatening anything that comes too close freeing my plague marines up to rush forward at different objectives in the enemies camp. The hammerhead will provide brilliant anti tank and anti air (with the right upgrade) and the riptide will shoot lots of things whilst attracting a large weight of fire through shiny syndrome. Wen he has me wound left he can just be thrown at an enemy weak point in order to get him to react and pull things out of position. Tinkling about it I think the tau allies should plug several of the holes in my army. However my proposed detatchement of allies is a lot of points.
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Rats & Fish in unison, that's one smelly combo!


I see what your saying, but honestly with your Dreadclaw and other options mobility isn't a glaring weakness, and with your renegade allies I don't see firepower as being a huge issue either. If you want Tau cause they are pretty and the new thing that's one thing, and they definitely have some nifty toys, but I don't know if you have that many glaring flaws in your army that need tweaking. I also can't help but shake the feeling that the next few months we're going to see a great deal of tau on tau action, whether through full armies or allied detachments. Why not see if the Sons of Anarch can take the fight to the fish solo before you commit to expanding for the greater good?

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Admit it, you only want to convert the hell out of those models to look like Dark Mech robots!!


I know it, i did too.







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The hammerhead will provide brilliant anti tank and anti air (with the right upgrade)

The Hammerhead has no way to gain anti-air capabilities other than using markerlights to increase the BS of its snapshots.

If you want Tau allies for anti-air your choices are: Broadsides, Crisis/Crisis Bodyguards, Skyray and their flyers. There is also the chance to give the Riptide skyfire but it would be wasted ;)

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Admit it, you only want to convert the hell out of those models to look like Dark Mech robots!!


I know it, i did too.










Oh that is a cool idea. I don't think I will but I definitely like the dark mech approach, I'd be interesting I'm seeing the rest. What are you going to do for basic things like fire warriors? Adepts?


@ravenfield. That's a really good point and I think I might follow it. Reason I'd be getting tau now is that I going home to the uk where it's almost half the price but maybe it'd be best to wait a few months, see how tau shape up. Thanks

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