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can an evading helldrake vector strike?


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I have a small order of operations question for everybody, say a helldrake comes onto the board, flies over a tank and then ends its movement, now say an icarus lascannon inflicts a penetrating hit to the helldrake which proceeds to evade and pass its 5+ save. the question is now that it can only snap fire does it still get to make a vector strike? or does the vector strike occur before the interceptor shot is made? Both rules for interceptor and vector strike say end of movement phase, anyone got some clarification?

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If this is all one turn, the vector strike and the interceptor shot both happen at the same time; the end of the movement phase.  The player who's turn it is choose the order they happen.  I have done this a couple of times as well and ofcourse I will resolve the vector strike before the intercepter fire.  If you take out the gun emplacement (or the tank in your example) then you avoid the intercepter shot completely. 

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This isn't really an answer to your question, but since the Invulnerable save granted by the Daemon USR is the same 5++ as an evade cover save, why ever evade?

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In this situation I had a null zone on the helldrake my opponent reasoned that a 5+ and no shots was better than reroll 5+. I wasnt going to argue with him since it meant avoiding his template weapons.

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