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OK Abby is off the Bucket List.


Now it only keave us:


- Better Deamonhood rule.

- More Transport options.

- More Land Raiders Weapons options.

-Give Maulerfiends WS and I4

- Give back theire base 2 A to Zerkers.

- More special options in Zerker squads i.e. 2 Models can buy Plasma pistol,Power Weapon, Powerfist, LC's or Eviscerator...

-Beef Deamonic Possession, like " for XX, a Land Raider can be Possesed by a Greater Deamon, gain Deamonic POssesion benefits and the Deamon rule"

-More Deamon Weapons.

- 2+ save buyable for HQ's.

-Better rules for Termies.

-Better rules for Mutilators,( they should have been like Possesed Cyborgs, ala Thallax Cohorts from HH).

-Possibility to Upgrade the Helbrute to a "Lord" Helbrute ( Venerable style Helbrute)


And thats only what i can think off..., yeah thats gonna take awhile...

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OK Abby is off the Bucket List.


Now it only keave us:


- Better Deamonhood rule.

- More Transport options.

- More Land Raiders Weapons options.

-Give Maulerfiends WS and I4

- Give back theire base 2 A to Zerkers.

- More special options in Zerker squads i.e. 2 Models can buy Plasma pistol,Power Weapon, Powerfist, LC's or Eviscerator...

-Beef Deamonic Possession, like " for XX, a Land Raider can be Possesed by a Greater Deamon, gain Deamonic POssesion benefits and the Deamon rule"

-More Deamon Weapons.

- 2+ save buyable for HQ's.

-Better rules for Termies.

-Better rules for Mutilators,( they should have been like Possesed Cyborgs, ala Thallax Cohorts from HH).

-Possibility to Upgrade the Helbrute to a "Lord" Helbrute ( Venerable style Helbrute)


And thats only what i can think off..., yeah thats gonna take awhile...


And a pony.  Not that these wishes are unreasonable, but if GW just got around to making Abaddon immune to the extremes of the boon table, there's no way they're going to make more substantial changes to the codex.  Heck, they didn't even give Ahriman access to Divination, which is against pretty much every bit of fluff related to The Thousand Sons, Ahriman, and Tzeentch.

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Everything Slayer said is reasonable (with the possible exception of more terminator options and different types of daemon possession, that might be too far) and something everybody would love to see. Unfortunately GW sees us more as spikey marines rather than the everchanging and evolving archenemy of the Imperium.

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They have had a habit of updating rules in white dwarf alongside new model releases.  I'm still hopeful that the cult units might see some love in the next year or two that way.  And FW's supposedly working on a new dreadclaw model, if we're lucky we might see a new transport option that way.  Of course, we'll probably just see it as an overpriced drop pod that costs FA slots, but at least there's some hope.


Lackluster cults and weak transport options are my biggest problems with the book, since they more or less take the 'chaos marines' out of the 'chaos marine' codex.  If we can get those at least fixed I'd feel a lot better.

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I would just have liked to see them errata Champion of Chaos to not be forced to challenge.


If there was one thing I got to change about the book, that would be it. It's the biggest problem by far in the codex.

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Or have the option to switch out the champion of chaos rule for ATSKNF ohmy.png

I also like how GW describes warp talons' claws to be so sharp that they can cut the fabric of reality but I guess Terminator Armor is denser (is that the right word) than reality XD

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Yeah giving the Points cost and Loadout of Warp Talons (all AP3 weapons), you could considere them has SM Vanguards Veterans to sopme extent...


It just gets me that they have the blinding when you deep strike, but as they can't assault and have no ranged weapons what does that actually achieve? Unless you drop them next to a unit you plan on assault with ANOTHER unit, but that seems a little far fetched with their intention, and not in keeping with fluff at all.

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blind reduces the BS of the affected units, thus snapshooting at the arrived warp talons. to reduce WS in CC, they also cause fear.


however, both rules are very ineffective.


as it seems, superfluous rules are the hallmark of 6th edition - it's characterful.

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as it seems, superfluous rules are the hallmark of 6th edition - it's characterful.

+ by slowing down the game it makes the fun last longer , which makes every game even more awesome[w40k awesome=>each minute of it is awesome=>the more minutes the game takes the more awesome we get=> games should take 12 hours to finish].

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Or have the option to switch out the champion of chaos rule for ATSKNF ohmy.png

I also like how GW describes warp talons' claws to be so sharp that they can cut the fabric of reality but I guess Terminator Armor is denser (is that the right word) than reality XD

Changing a really bad special rule for one of the best rules in the game for free would only be balanced if we were loyalists.

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That wierd oblitorator rule. Presumably that means if you fire lascannon turn 1, then do not shoot in turn 2, you still cannot fire lascannons in turn 3? Seems odd.


Also if you fire lascannon in turn 1, then the enemy uses puppet master to make your oblitorator shoot (lets say assault cannon), he can then fire the lascannon in turn 2? Unless he is part of a unit - now they cannot fire either lascannons or assault cannons in turn 2.

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