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Plague hulk


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So I'm going to be buying a plage hulk in a few days and I have two questions


First what do you guys think of it? It is now pretty pricey compared to a bare soulgrinder but it is by we'll kitted up so I think it more than balances itself out. All the ap3 weaponry is great too, a large blast and a flamed template each turn is painful whoever you are. How would you guys use it?


Second I have a modelling question. I gather that the kit includes an entire defiles and I'm trying to come up with bright ideas about what to do with e rest of it, I'm guessing everything above the waist is unused.

It could make a cool but weird vindicator if I mounted the waist in the turret hole on a rhino although then of course the weapon barely would be far back which wouldn't be good. Might make a good gun emplacement


What do you guys think?

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