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The Problem with Chaos Termies, its that despite not being tied by this stupid thing called "Codex Astartes" and Ad Mech limitations on equipment, and so been somewhat close to "Freedom", they have nothing special, be it weapons or rules-wise.


Yes they can take Marks and Icons, in wich 2 of the Icons are useless or at least of very low interest(Tzeentch and Nurgle Icons), the only "nice" thing about them is that they can all take Combi weapons..., and thats about it...


And once again, being the Overlord of Chaos forces doesn't give him any credit as a Leader..., the only thing they deemed to give him is the Black Crusader WLT..., when every single "Overlord"-status HQ's of other codexes, as rules that affect the WHOLE army regardless of the distance, while the Top Champ of the Gods only can do something for his pals in a 12" radius...

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I use Abaddon at 1500pts in my Shooty, shooty Iron Warriors. 


It can outshoot most things, bar guard, and if the opponent comes near me, Abaddon is the countercharge.


Failing that, he just walks to midfield with a unit of CSM.

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It was in 5th ed - haven't really played with my IW in 6th, but for a long while it was:


2x3 Obbies

havocs w/4XML or 2 oblits

2X 10 csm, 2Xplasma (or 4x5men, 1plasma)

5 veterans, rhino, 4xplasma


Other stuff, usually another 10 man squad, 2 melta.


Abby would roll with one unit of obliterators if playing defensively, or one CSM squad if offensively tanking lascannon shots/everything else.


The army has enough plasma to cause power armour a lot of trouble, which are generally my main opponents (everyones main opponents?), Tough lascannons to kill tanks, solid bolter base, outflanking plasma death squad.

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