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Scratch Built Reaver Titan

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Hey guys. I've gotten a pretty cool army for warhammer 40k now . Its Space marines of course. I am thinking of upgrading my army to 2000 points. This is my army so far



Librarian 140 points.
Terminator Armor, Storm Shield.
--Attached To--
Terminator Assault Squad 235 points
CML & Chainfist

Dreadnought 130 points
Extra Armor, TL AC

Tactical Sqaud-A 205 points

Tactical Sqaud-B 205 points

Tactical Sqaud-C 205 points

Attack Bikes x2 100 points

Stormtalon Gunship 140 points

Predator 120 points
AC, LC Sponsons




But I am going to get a Laind raider crusier and swap my termies with assault weapons and put those together. Get a Sternguard unit with a drop pod. But the thing that Im asking for is any advice on building a titan? I found these plans and templates  online http://fromthewarp.blogspot.co.nz/2009/04/clash-of-titans.html . What sort of card should I make these out of? Should I make a reaver or a warhound? And how do i got about painting it? and what sort of card should I get it printed on to make it?

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I built a warhound from those same templates a couple years back, did it with .030 plasticard IIRC.   I just printed the templates out on paper, some of them multiple copies. Taped the paper onto the plastic scored along the lines, then removed the paper and completed the cuts.  NOT the best method, but it worked ok.




I started on the Reaver, wasn't happy with it and more or less abandoned
the project.  I will eventually do the warlord, maybe...

I used various sizes of plastic tubing, evergreen scale models I THINK is the brand I used. Eventually I will get some Nixon's and trim on the warhound then paint it. The reaver I just don't like how its looking so I'll redo it at some point in the future.



Nixon's?   :cuss autocorrect           ^emblems


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