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how to equip a flying lord


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OK, im making a Nurgle lord with jump pack, how would you reccomend equiping him? Right now im thinking claw,PF, blight grenades and MoN and sticking him in a unit of raptors/ talons. I know that the biker lord build is "better" but i want to try something different and the conversion idea sounds like fun.


would Burning brand be better? combi bolter and power weapon?

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Might be prudent to look at pairing specialist weapons - either two Lightning Claws, or a Powerfist/LC combo. If that's what you want to go with, probably be best to make the most of his combat potential.

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I do like the idea of the burning brand on a jump pack lord, but that means giving up an extra attack. LC + PF is a solid choice, though I'd prefer black mace + power axe personally :D


The black mace just seems to be a nurgly daemon weapon, "poisoned" so wounding on a 2+ and if they fail their toughness test the poison has taken over their immune system and killed them instantly.

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At first I was all "Nurgle jump pack units don't make sense" then I was like "But wait, a giant, fly based nurgle lord would be rad!" and then I was like "should I say that and potentially have someone steal that idea?" and here we are!


I definitely like the idea of the black mace, of course that comes with its own inherent risks. The burning brand is great for broadsiding units, and the pfist / pclaw makes him a versatile melee combatant, especially in challenges. You're right though, the Bike just makes the Nurgle Lord into a nightmare to take down, yet unique ideas should be encouraged, thinking outside the box to do something fun, unique, and interesting is NEVER a bad thing, despite what some people will say.

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If only I had access to some fly wings! I am personally a fan of the Burning Brand, but I think it also depends on what is jumping around with him. If you stick him in with Warp Talons you may want to give him an axe or fist since they pretty much have the ap3 under control. In a group of Raptors? I think more factors come into play. What is the champ armed with? What special weapon, if any, are you going to take?  This is all theorycrafting as I don't have any experience with a unit like this but I would say maybe something like this: If running with Warp Talons, Black Mace or something/powerfist. If running with Raptors, Burning Brand and Lightning Claw or Lightning Claws. Then maybe put an axe or fist on the champ? I dunno it's early.  *goes off to find or build some fly wings*

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The issue with the Black Mace is that you can potentially paste your warp talons or raptors with it when you get stuck in, which is why it is so much better on a solo winged daemon prince! That risk is mitigated in that scenario, otherwise your expensive cadre of warp talons might just shrivel up around you leaving your "fly lord" without his helpers. That cursed effect is a boon and a "curse" after all!


That being said it is a mean tool, but I digress. As Graz said, it comes down to the function you want the lord and his unit to perform. If they are hunting vehicles, a pfist is handy, if they are hunting meq, a pfist / claw combo is great, if you want pazzazz then the mace and axe works, but I wouldn't do it with warp talons due to the cost. If you do flamer raptors w/ burning brand lord you could have a fun time with infantry! It all comes down to function!


Don't you do it Graz, that's my idea! You hear me! MINE!

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I can't get this idea out of my head... now I have to make it happen... the question is to go with Rust, Rot, or Corpulance! Jerry you're forcing me to alter my plotted course of action with my scions of Nurgle! Curse you creative juices!

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The issue with the Black Mace is that you can potentially paste your warp talons or raptors with it when you get stuck in, which is why it is so much better on a solo winged daemon prince! That risk is mitigated in that scenario, otherwise your expensive cadre of warp talons might just shrivel up around you leaving your "fly lord" without his helpers. That cursed effect is a boon and a "curse" after all!



Don't you do it Graz, that's my idea! You hear me! MINE!

er, the black mace curse only hits all non-Vehicle enemy models within 3, which is pretty nice (I've also taken out Ghazkul, the emperor's champion, a tooled out black Templar chaplain and a grey knight lord too with either weight of attacks or the toughness test). And killed scores of little ones of course :D


Only problem with daemon weapons is rolling a 1, I actually hurt myself and after discussing the raw with my friend, I took a toughness test to see if it would kill me, it didn't but the curse effect then killed 3 ork boys nearby! I don't think it should work like that but the raw makes sense (my group normally play RAI).

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My Lord is going to go into a unit of Warp Talons (i know overpriced) and used to hop around and be a second wave attack for the units that my 2 packs of nurgle spawn tie up or to go after back field long range threats along with my solo DS Nurgle Mutilator (i know all choices are "sub optimal", but they work well for me). my list is strange but the meta i play in is not very flyer heavy so i usually dont worry bout them too much when i do see them.

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What I'd give to see a flyer-lite meta. Anyway I actually came to the this morning B&C to ask this exact question about jump lords so I'm glad there's already a thread about them. I can definitely see claw/fist being a good loadout (although it looks a bit odd) but I can't get past what a great Brand delivery system a jump lord is and the idea of "re-fluffing" and modelling it to be a DoW-style bile spewer is tempting.


Since we're talking nurgle raptors, how good is the mark on them? Khorne always seems like the most logical mark for what's essemtially a spiky assault squad, but the extra toughness isn't bad and the conversion possibilities might very well outweigh list optimising concerns.

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we read teh rules on flyers, looked at IG and went "wow those are broken" and we just dont wanna spend the money on them. It seems to me that flyers took the fun outa the army men game. 


MoN on my talons has been a beast im not sure how good it would be on Raptors. Im going to try that next game i play (i magnatized my raptors/talons) and see if i like hopping around and shooting or hopping and assaulting better.

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