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13th company wulfen conversions


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Hello all please don't read the title and be like "Oh here we go again" over the next few weeks I shall be converting and rebuilding my space wolf list to match what I've seen for them in my head. My army is mainly cavalry and fenrisian wolves because well when faces need to be eaten wolves do it best. However I have thought that riding giant car size wolves though amazing didn't fit right with my idea of what may happen to the 13th company who deal with the threat of the wulfen constantly... So here we go....


All my thunderwolf cavalry riders and Hq's will be converted into giant wulfen for the simple people the skin wolves from forge world for my HQ's I'm going a little off the reservation my wolf lord and Canis Wolfborn will be modeled with the demon prince body taking the head of a thunderwolf cav model as the actual wulfen head for Canis wolf claws will be extended from the claws for the demon prince to show he has wolf claws. For my guys including the wolf lord who have a power fist I will be making a gauntlet style hand piece to attach to the bad of their hands for storm shields The Lord if the rings troll arm will be retrofitted to fit. For iron priests I will take skin wolves and make some servos and gears attach to he skin and attempt to make a metallic hand to represent the servo arm for my grey hunters all non wulfen models will have wulfen heads that I was able to find and each wulfen model will be represented by a full fledge werewolf miniature I was able to find ..


I hope you all enjoy the idea pictures to come soon once forge world delivers I hope you all like it. Thank you for taking the time to read this

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Sounds really cool actually, an army of were-wolves will really hit home! Just try to keep the Viking elements pronounced where you can to make the connection with the Space Wolves noticeable. Also, as much as I love the idea behind a Daemon Prince conversion I think it may make your model a little taller and easier to pick off? That being said, with the stat boosts from the thunderwolves I could see them running close to parallel with the DP's statistically, so why not?


I eagerly await your work!



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