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Starting a Crusade

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Hello B&C!



After 10 years as an avid Imperial Guard player (anyone else from Boot Camp over here?), I have decided to branch out and try my hand with some Astartes. As of now, I intend to create a White Templars army. Having experienced the shooting army aspect of 40K rather thoroughly, it should be an interesting change to kit out a close combat oriented force.


As funding is ever limited, the templars will start out as an allied detachment for said Imperial Guard army, and slowly become their own entity as I acquire models. My ultimate goal will be to field an Imperial Crusade force in large Apoc. sized games, and/or to be able to loan one of my armies to teach friends the game.


I'm currently working on a test figure, and hope to have pictures posted soon (pending real life obligations...)



I would like to go about creating this army a bit more planned than with my Guard, which meandered for the last several years, and keep it sleek and effective. Where should I look on this forum for information on optimal Allied detachments and for army planning?






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