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1750 Death Guard

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After a recent tourney, where I was really disappointed by my dice and by my Obliterators, but not from my Breaching group, I changed my list in this one. It works pretty well for my game style, but I feel that I need more control and need something to support my advance better...



Lord + MoN + Dark Glory + Black Mace + Bike                                       160 Pt



7 Plague Marines + P. Fist + 2 Flamer                                                     203 Pt


7 Plague Marines + P. Axe + 2 Melta                                                       203 Pt


7 Plague Marines + 2 Plasma + Melta Bomb                                           203 Pt

Rhino                                                                                                       35 Pt


15 Cultists + Lasgun                                                                                 80 Pt


15 Cultists                                                                                                 70 Pt



Hell Drake/Bale flamer                                                                             170 Pt



Land Raider + Dirge Caster + Dozer                                                      240 Pt


Land Raider + Dirge Caster + Dozer                                                      240 Pt


Predator Annihilation                                                                             140 Pt



My points are:

Predator over Obly: Everyone could say that they're much better, but I hate the fact that I have to change weapon every turn, and with this list, more often than not, my LR are on the run, so I need a stable base of fire. Ok a lucky shot could destroy it, so as a unlucky roll could drive my Obly out of the table; plus Obly suffer saturation more than a Predator which simply ignore everything is under an Auto cannon.


Land Raiders are great to drive my Plague at the enemy throat. I like DG style of fighting: close firefight or deadly assault. LR helped me in this more than not.

Hell Drake: I really want to try this bad robotic dragon. I need something to clear enemy strongpoint or big mob of IG or TAU. And it could be interesting in deal against light guards vehicles such as Manticores or other light artillery tanks (is it clear that I'm used to play especially against IG?? :-D )


My questions is especially about the lord... Previously I run two of them: one with bike and axe and one with fist and Termy... Now I put just one on bike. My lord on bike rocked at the tourney, but is not alone and anyway it finished to die in every games although he always was payback in killing terms and point. That lord is not my lord though, here is my general and I don't want to give a point every game. Is it better to run him in Terminators armor. It cost 5 points more, which I can easily get from the melta bomb from the squad on rhino.


Second question is: Is it better a predator full laser, or a forgefiend with 2 Hades cannon? I see it as more survivable with its invulnerable save and its "it will not die". But i's more expensive and I need to find the points here and there, loosing balance from the Plague setting.

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