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Looking to add some major dakka to my angels

Sanguis militis

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Title says it all. I've been talking to my gaming community since there are a couple other space marine players, even though I'm the only son of sanguinius (we both have beautiful hair), about how to add some more ranged firepower to my army. Someone mentioned contemptor dreadnoughts which I literally just learned about. My community allows forgeworld models an rules in friendly games and in our local tournaments so I'll have no problem fielding them.


What in really interested in is using 2 contemptor Morris dreadnoughts with either dual Kheres assault cannons or dual auto cannons. The twin Kheres give me 12 str 6 rending shots at a range of 24 while the auto cannons give me 4 twin-linked str 7 shots at a range of 48 I believe? I'd like to use both with the Kheres cannons since 12 shots from one model, with rending, seems a lot more deadly than the other but I want to know what others think here.


Basically I'm looking or some fire support for my assault squads and to add some more pain in conjunction with my two storm ravens and land raider/land raider crusader (depending on which variation of the list I use).


Looking for some feedback as to what the best contemptor for my list would be, if two seems like a good number or if it's overkill to run 2, and if I need to post my list for reference I will. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

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The Kheres dreads are a no brainer if you always count on bringing forgeworld units in your lists.


If you are looking for something from our 'dex I'd look at dual heavy bolter speeder squadrons and Baal predators with assault cannon and HB sponsons.


A lot of people like the Baal but personally I dislike the 24" reach of the main gun, too close for comfort imho. Dual HB speeders only cost 60 p each, tons of shots and even better range and mobility compared to the baal predator. 

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Figured I may as well add my first draft of the list with 2 contemptors for reference.. Here goes!


1850 points


Librarian w/ jump pack (divination) 125

Librarian w/ jump pack (divination) 125


Sanguinary priest (no upgrades) 50


2x contemptor mortis pattern dreadnoughts 430

2 kheres assault cannons on each


2x storm ravens 460

TL las cannons, TL multimelta, hurricane sponsons each


3 x10 assault squads 660

Power axe, melta bombs, one melta gun each

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I used to run 3 assault cannon/HB baals in 5th but I have a really hard time comfortably fielding vehicles in 6th, especially for the same reason you brought up.. The range on the guns. The contemptors have BS5, a 5+ invulnerable save, and put out a hell of a lot more hurt than a Baal. I personally hate heavy bolters. They just don't dish out enough pain from my experience.


With that being said, I am open to possibly replacing one contemptor with some speeders with either assault cannons or better yet multi meltas to harass vehicles/mc's.

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I'd advice against those weapon options on speeders. Assault cannons are very expensive and with multimeltas you end up uncomfortably close. For that role MM attack bikes do a better job since they are generally more survivable up close than speeders. Speeder squads are very vulnerable to assault in 6th! 


I used to dislike heavy bolters too, but now with the new casualty removal rules, fast vehicle rules and rising popularity of non 3+ armies they deserve a consideration. Staying 36" away and the built in jink do a pretty good job of keeping them alive with the bolters forcing a ton of saves on whatever you shoot.

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Since I don't have a codex in front of me, how many HB shots can one speeder put out? And they can be taken either individually or in a squad of what, 2? 3? For the same price as being taken individually? Just trying to play around with points for a second draft of the list
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Dual HB speeder is 60 pts, squad size 1-3. So 6 shots per speeder, 18 for a full squad. No additional costs or discounts for taking more than one.


You could also ally in some dark angels if you want to maximize dakka from one force org slot. They get the same deal but a 1-5 squad size.

They also have librarians (with divination) plus troops at a lower price point than BA and are battle brothers. Might be a good way to save some points on HQ and Troops?

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Not to be a downer on the Contemptor-Mortis plan, but from Aeronautica: (this) "is a Heavy Support choice for Codex: Space Marines, Dark Angels, or Black Templars". Sorry, we don't get them.


Fortunately, Baals are way cheaper and are also very good at eliminating large swathes of opposing infantry.

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Everyone agreed to let me take them as blood Angels atleast in my community I can use them. I would love to run 2-3 vindicators but I already have 2 storm ravens taking up 2/3 of my heavy support slots. I love vindicators though especially when I was able to take out draigo and his squad with two vindicator shots lol.. Good times. But if they scatter they can be useless or if they lose their gun, also useless.. Atleast with the dreads I I lose a weapon I still have 6 rending shots from the other arm.


Also, do the Mortis contemptors have skyfire?

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I use to run a heavy mechanized army in 5th too, but have had a lot more success taking only storm ravens and a land raider or two supporting mostly jump squads coming in from reserve in 6th.


I'm finding a lot of Xenos armies are putting out terrifying firepower so being able to abuse descent of Angels, even a couple vanguard vets with heroic intervention, is the most reliable and successful way to bring the fight to the enemy and get into close combat while minimizing casualties. The speed of the ravens a d durability of land raiders keeps them in the fight for awhile if not the length of the game. That's what attracted

Me to the contemptors in the first place!

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Not to be a downer on the Contemptor-Mortis plan, but from Aeronautica: (this) "is a Heavy Support choice for Codex: Space Marines, Dark Angels, or Black Templars". Sorry, we don't get them.


Fortunately, Baals are way cheaper and are also very good at eliminating large swathes of opposing infantry.

Imperail armor volume 2 states that a contemptor dread is an elite choice for a blood angels army


But if I remember correctly you can't take 2 gun only one arm may be replace by a gun I'll take a look a it tomorrow!

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Tried out my first game last night against a tyranid list heavy with tervigons and termagant spam with a flyrant and doom.. The two Mortis dreads really shined and stole the show. Each one of them were deployed on the table to start and not only slaughtered about 20 gaunts in the first round of shooting, but took out a total of 3 tervigons in a hail of bullets. 2nd turn a raven came on the board and wiped out the tyrant. The combined firepower was more than enough to keep a lot of my assault marines alive as they slaughtered bugs before moving out to take objectives at the end of the game.


Going to try out the 3 heavy bolter speeders backed by one of the divination librarians next game in place of one of the dreads to compare the shots side by side to see which one is more effective.


On a side note, thought it was worth mentioning, on one of my assaults with a 10 man assault squad+librarian in a tervigon.. I castes prescience and rolled only 2 hits out of about 30 dice. With rerolls? Only got 3 more hits -_-

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