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the redeeming starts now

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hello brothers/sisters,


in name of him on earth i am following in your footsteps

and gather my forces to purge the unclean...


now i still have doubts in order to:


A  go grey knights and/or sisters of battle

B  go blood angels and/or dark angels


if i am any judge i'll go for the sisters or knights ( i like the fluff and models )


maybe if you veterans can give soms c&c, and con /pro's for them?



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well...if you like the fluff and models then thats where i recommend starting.  the next bit would be to choose a colorscheme you like.  basic rule here is if youre going to play the game and work on the models...then you should enjoy looking at the work youre doing/have done.


unless youre looking for other aspects, id suspect your choice is made...

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