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just checking IC conferring rules


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right, i understand your point.. this could be an interesting one.


a scout squad doesnt get to outflank on its own, it comes with the scout rule. lets assume we are talking about infiltrators that dont have scout.

if infiltrate replaces the deployment rule, then why does it not also replace the reserves part of that rule?

just seems to me that we are cherry picking which bits to replace and which to keep


Infiltrate add the ability to outflank as well so it would be no different. Also I've seen this come up in discussion elsewhere with Tau a lot. It does seem to be a case of infiltrators either deploy on the table after everyone else, or they reserve. Not that it's a huge deal since must units you would want to do this with would benefit greatly from deploying last. Also no first turn charges after infiltrate or scout so not much of an advantage for the character really even if he could attach to the scout bikes.

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its not cherry picking. outflankl/DS/normal reserves are all optional alternatives to normal deployment. they are USRs in their own right


i read in threads in this forum that 'specific trumps general', a phrase i very much agree with. in this scenario, infiltrate is the specific which trumps normal deployment which is the general. the reason you get to choose to ignore infiltrate and instead apply reserves etc. is that you then have 2 USRs that directly conflict with one another



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Do remember we can discuss RAI here though, which is where my argument came from.


Anyway, in game play it rarely matters, you can still infiltrate the unit in a position where you would have normally deployed them.

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- unless you are playing space wolves or grey knights who can use choosers of the slain / servo skulls to make it very difficult to deploy them on the table at all.


Edit: corrected poor phrasing.

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Servo Skulls couldn't ever stop Inflitrators deploying on the board.  Unless you've somehow managed to fill your entire DZ and have no room to fit them.


Infiltratros can still deploy via Infiltration in thier own DZ, which would satisfy the Range restriciton, and Skulls can't get close enough to have an effect.

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- unless you are playing space wolves or grey knights who can use choosers of the slain / servo skulls to ensure that you can't deploy them on the table at all.

They don't prevent you from placing infiltrators though right? I thought those just didn't let them place them within a certain radius, or granted line of sight so you can't place them within 18" unless your behind a wall. As you can't place enough servo skulls to cover the entire board, and the chooser of the slain is even more limited you have plenty of room to place guys. All else fails you have outflank.

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Thanks to a combo of my deployment, my infiltrating unit of wolf scouts and choosers of the slain, I've made it nearly impossible for my opponent to deploy any infiltrators. He had to deploy them right at the back in a corner, where they proved utterly useless for the whole game.


The chooser provides an 18" radius bubble into which no units can infiltrate regardless of LoS.

I used my unit of scouts to fill the one place he could have deployed where his unit would've been useful. (I deployed my infiltrators first as I won the roll off).


Had he deployed them normally then it wouldn't've been a problem, but he didn't.


Outflanking sniper scouts (which is what he had) aren't really that useful.


Servo-skulls give a 12" radius bubble - no infiltrators or scouting into that area. They are placed anywhere on the board except the opponents deployment zone. Most useful in the event of a diagonal deployment.

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Thanks to a combo of my deployment, my infiltrating unit of wolf scouts and choosers of the slain, I've made it nearly impossible for my opponent to deploy any infiltrators. He had to deploy them right at the back in a corner, where they proved utterly useless for the whole game.


The chooser provides an 18" radius bubble into which no units can infiltrate regardless of LoS.

I used my unit of scouts to fill the one place he could have deployed where his unit would've been useful. (I deployed my infiltrators first as I won the roll off).


Had he deployed them normally then it wouldn't've been a problem, but he didn't.


Outflanking sniper scouts (which is what he had) aren't really that useful.


Ah in that case yes that's handy. That is also highly situational, and also gives those ready for such situations a huge advantage since it looks like an infiltrator must either reserve, or deploy via infiltrate.

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