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Cover saves in area terrain


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1. I entered some ruins that had a clear outline and were agreed prior to the game as area terrain

2. Eldar pathfinders (the enemy) occupied the terrain

3.  Chaos marines occupied the terrain

3.  I was shooting at them from a distance of 3 - 6 inches with no intervening terrain


What would their cover save be?


Thanks in advance

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OK.  So I've read p91 of the BRB and understand the rationale behind keeping a 5+ cover save even if there is no intervening terrain.  


I guess my question really is whether there is ever a point that the cover save can be negated (less flamer, marker lights or something that ignores cover by rule).  Does it ever get negated by being in the same terrain at very close range to the enemy models?

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It is also worth noting a difference from last edition in that the target has to be inside area terrain.  If there is area terrain between the firing unit and the target unit, it does not confer a cover save unless the target is 25% obscured.  So you can shoot through area terrain just fine. 

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