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Beat necrons as CSM? at 1500 points his list was roughly 2 squads of 10 immortals, 2 squads of 9 warriors with a cryptek in 2 ghost arcs, the shard monstrous creature, and an overlord with 2+ armor, mindshackle scarabs, the wraithaxe thing, and res. orb.


He was using two shooting type attacks with the cryptek and I wasnt sure if it was legal since the one move specifies its a shooting attack, but the other does not.

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Could you be a little more specific? What units do you run? What sizes and armaments do they carry? What HQs do you prefer to run?


My regular opponent plays necrons. I find assaults against them are either they instantly fold or it's a painful grind by challenging multiple characters that potentially stand up after chopping them down.

If he's running units on foot, a helldrake will instantly fix that particular problem. If the unit dies it can't reanimate nor can ghost arks add more members.

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All of my units, minus a single HQ had mark of nurgle. I was using a list of two squads of 10xCSM, each with a melta. I had a Daemon prince with the works. Tzeench, black mace, armor, wings. 7 Plague marines and a sorcerer. 3 oblitz.  Havocs with auto cannons behind a defence line with quad cannon. 


The HQs i can run is a chaos lord, a juggernaut lord, a sorcerer, a daemon prince, or Typhus. 


I have the units above, raptors, zerkers, a predator, and 5 chaos spawn.


Perhaps I got unlucky. I got my DP into combat with a unit of immortals inside a building. took a single wound from overwatch, due to his 6's adding two more shots. He managed around 8 shots on overwatch. He took two wounds, somehow, through melee from the immortals, and managed a low leadership roll. And then the DP died to daemon weapon.

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That necron list looks pretty fair to be honest. No wraithes, no flyers, no barges. So he is playing a lot of tesla weapons? Or what are you having problems against? 


As above poster has mentioned: Getting heldrakes should solve most of your problems against your opponents list. 


Looking at the figures you have at your disposal: The juggerlord is probably a better pick than the dp at 1500 pts (The dp is really too expensive, I personally prefer nurgle dps for shrouded rather than tzeentch and usually don´t bother with the armor, but thats just me I guess). I would advise you to try and play a couple of faster moving elements rather than a big block of footsloggers. Why are you running plaguemarines as elites? This is kind of a bad investment, playing them as troop choices and throwing out some dual plasma would be better or just stick to your 2 10man csm squads although I would advise you to take 2 special weapons, probably 2 plasmas. What are you using the sorc for, I can´t really ascertain his purpose in your list. You aren´t running him with bikes or spawn which is what he is best suited to (IMO). I would try to get the spawn into the list by booting out the plague marines. 

How harsh is your opponent on Wysiwyg? Could you play the jugger lord as a nurgle biker lord and then throw 2 units of plagues into the list?


Your heavy support choices seem ok. They are suited for your opponents list. But it may be worth thinking on swapping one lot of havocs for oblis in the future or getting some csm bikes for more melta. At 1500 pts you shouldn´t really have all that many problems with that kind of necron list. 


--> Drakes would just wipe him off the board.

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you dont take a second HQ if you take a DP till you reach 1850pts [or your building chaozylla]. melta is bad too short range for 6th use by non fast moving units. replace with plasma

You never take footslogging HQ , unless it is a huron or an ally .

If you take a DP you take nurgle.


you should be runing drakes or bikers , probably both . chaos is not an army that can do nothing for 1-2 turns and hope that your opponent doesnt do too much damage [and yes a single unit of oblits counts as nothing , if you had 9 and plas pms it could be different].

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Not sure about the 10 Raptors though they have greater survivability IMO than the Spawn, you might have some left to charge, though they don't have fleet which spawn do and will be more expensive as well as being affected by terrain. I think against Crons the Spawn are nothing more ablative wounds for the Juggerlord. Either way, the lord is you gold ticket in these setups as he'll make a mess of anything he charges, the only problem being the goddammed mindshackle scarabs which are a nightmare. With Raptors you would have a second champ to interfere with the lord while the jugger butchers his unit.


Or you can take a Drake, they are pretty much the only way to clear big swathes of crons off off which is what you want to negate reanimation protocalls

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Does the fleet the lord has not conferred to the raptors as well? Hm I see. And with a twelve inch jump pack, its not as affected by terrain as bad as it could be. If spawn has a perma armor save I would use them. But since he uses immortals that can add 2 extra shots on sixes, and only needs 4's to wound, Im not sure to take them

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Spawn have a ton of attacks, T5 (when they're unmarked), S5, beasts and alot of wounds. How are raptors with T4 and jumppacks more survivable? They're definitely far more than alabative wounds. Yeah they don't have a champion but just use the juggerlord + spawn to wipe normal cron units and together they'll wipe one a turn.

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As someone argued on here a while back, sometimes, the juggerlord getting chump challenged works to your favour, meaning you are less likely to wipe them on the charge, and therefore be safe from their shooting, its not always there, but something to think about, also learn when things like mind shackles happens and plan your charges accordingly... Engineer the assault in your favour.
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Having a perma 3+ armor save compared to having a 4+ 1/3 of the time?

3+ armor is pretty easy to get through. What happens when an AP 2 or 3 template/blast rolls around? Or if you fail combat and get swept? Spawn would take a few wounds from templates or blasts but they wouldn't get wiped and they can't be swept. You're asking for help but if you want to impair yourself by taking raptors instead go ahead.

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Having a perma 3+ armor save compared to having a 4+ 1/3 of the time?

3+ armor is pretty easy to get through. What happens when an AP 2 or 3 template/blast rolls around? Or if you fail combat and get swept? Spawn would take a few wounds from templates or blasts but they wouldn't get wiped and they can't be swept. You're asking for help but if you want to impair yourself by taking raptors instead go ahead.

No need to get snippy. I was merely asking why. And your explanation helps minus the snap. I'm only about 12 games in so I'm going to ask questions.

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It's not being snappy, just stating the obvious. Spawn are very very durable only problem with taking the juggerlord with them is you can't give them MoN. Getting swept is also a very real possibility, especially if you face a well equipped CC unit like a TW lord or Cron overlord with mindshackle. Best way to deal with one of the overlords I think would be plasma.

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Well firing at the arcs would only really be worth it using the oblits to down it´s armor value of 13. You would probably deal more dmg with the havocs by firing at something else or waiting for the quantum shields to drop before firing at the arc with them.

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I would post these questions in a necron forum but I cant seem to find one.



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It's not being snappy, just stating the obvious. .


Obvious to someone with a lot more experience, yes. Check both your relative post counts, not that that is any real indicator of anything.

No it's not. I'm not all that more experienced either, especially when I've only played a grand total of 4 6th edition games.


Wouldn't the power armored statement now be false....since it's more armies of humanity?

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