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Tactical Marines... Opinions?


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I'm thinking about throwing a 10 man tactical squad with a rhino into my army list. However, for 240pts, I could pick up another AM Squad and save 10 pts. SO, what is your opinion of BA tactical squads?

Oh and here's the potential list:

Librarian - JP, F Axe

Sang Preist x 2 - JP's, 1 PF, 1 PAxe

Assault Squad Alpha x 10 - 2 meltas, sword, melta bombs
Assault Squad Bravo x 10 - 2 meltas, sword, melta bombs
Tactical Squad x 10 - PG, Las Cannon, Rhino
Death Company x 5 - 1 Thunder Hammer, Jp's

Fast Attack:
Attack Bikes x 3 - MM's

Heavy Support:
Devastator Squad x 5 - 4 ML's

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BA tacs cost more than DA ones and have worse rules.

6ed rule for FAST made 15 pts for BA rhino a waaaaay to much.

Thoughts about roster:

(no offense intended)

too many subpar troop units.

roster will be eaten alive by any CC dedicated unit. Will be shot to bits by any half decent dakka list.

1 helldrake.... will....own.

5 footslogging DC....with hammer.... whistlingW.gif

2nd priest.... at 1000 pts 1 will do. 2 a-bikes will be of more use.

imho corbulo and shternies will do more than tacs and 2 priests.

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In the above list that singular Rhino will get popped very quickly leaving your Tactical Squad to walk to where they are needed. Personally I don't think it meshes very well with the rest of your force but if I were to go with the above set up, I would make sure that my Librarian took Shield of Sanguinius in order to give it the best possible chance of survival.


In my collection I have five Tactical Squads but as my lists have moved towards being more mechanised I have eschewed Tacticals in Rhinos in favour of RAS in discounted Razorbacks and they enable me to get more armour on the field. While I know this leaves me a little short on Troops for contesting objectives, it hasn't been too bad so far...


With your above list try dropping the Rhino for a Drop Pod (on the Tacticals) or giving the Rhino/Pod to the Death Company, set up the Tacticals with the Devastators and a Priest and give a Power Axe to the DC with the points saved from dropping the Jump Pack on the Priest.

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No offense taken. I'd rather hear critique now, then buy another 300$ of models and realize the list won't work. With that said, I forgot to post that the DC have Jp's... I added it now. Also, with 3 marine squads and an AB squad, I thought 2 priests would be nifty to get FnP across the table. I definitely see your points though - I'll probably scratch the tactical squad and add a scout squad/ buff my DC with the remaining points.


I'm also debating 3 more MM attack bikes for the dev squad. I just won't have any support range :(


Yep, taking Shield of Sanguinius was the plan for the Lib.

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What do you think about this variation...


Librarian - JP, F Axe

Sang Preist x 1 - JP, PF


Death Company x 10 - JP's, 2 Thunder Hammers, 1 PAxe, 1 PSword

Assault Squad Alpha x 10 - 2 meltas, PSword, melta bombs
Assault Squad Bravo x 10 - 2 meltas, PSword, melta bombs
Scout Squad x 5 - bolters

Fast Attack:
Attack Bikes x 3 - MM's

Attack Bikes x 3 - MM's


Total: 1500pts

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Hey buddy,


I don't know what models you have bought... But look at not including that DC. With jump packs they are way over-costed. Consider a drop pod instead. 


Regarding tac marines - yeah as soemone else said, someone elses are better. That doesn't mean there is no place for ours. We can get fnp, dark angels can't. I agree, the buffs dark angels get are better than we, but disagree that this is a reason not to take them. Rapid firing bolters are massively under-rated and overlooked,a nd in my opinion have a place in our list. The comments about the rhino are true though, probably not the best delivery method. Not awful though. If you get 1st turn you can get a way up the table and jump out almost midfield, if you get second turn you'll need to do your best to hide it as there will be nothing else for anti-tank weapons to shoot at. 


If i were running your list, i'd have one set of attack bikes with heavy bolters too. That is one of my favourite units. Heavy bolters and twin linked bolters is a lot of dakka. 


Hope that helps

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I currently always use one tactical squad in my army lists. Most of the time they are given a PR, LC, and PW. The squad usually claims objectives and moves around if needed. I have recently started to remove the PW as it is rarely used. A rhino for them is usually useless as most of the time there is always one objective near them or they can deploy or near first turn.


I see you use two Assault squads, perhaps change one PW for a PF in case you need it and it gives you an option for a slightly heavier hitting unit.

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Thanks for all the feedback everyone! Seems I don't have enough vehicles to make it a viable option. So, I've decided to go with an ATTACK BIKE army instead... I think it will be pretty nasty and definitely fun to play. Nevaenabass, I respect the opinion, and realize that it is quite an expensive squad, but I just love my DC Jump Squad, and have already built/ painted most of it. Here's the most recent list!



Librarian - JP, FAxe



Sang Preist x 1 - JP, PFist

Sang Priest x 1 - Bike, Power Axe



Death Company x 9 - JP's, 1 Thunder Hammer, 1 PFist

Assault Squad Alpha x 10 - 2 MG's, Melta Bombs

Assault Squad Bravo x 10 - 2 Flamers, PSword, Melta Bombs


Fast Attack:

Attack Bike Squad Alpha x 3 - MM's

Attack Bike Squad Bravo x 2 - MM's

Attack Bike Squad Charlie x 3 - Heavy Bolters


Total: 1500 pts


My game-plan is to put immediate pressure with my Attack Bikes up one of the flanks and force return fire on the bike squads (with 2 wounds, T(5), either a 4+ or 5+ cover save, and FnP against everything except S 10 weapons, I think they will be durable and pack a punch: 9 H Bolter shots against infantry, 5 multi-melta shots against vehicles/ MC's/ 2+ armor units)


Meanwhile I can either advance my 20 AM's and 9 DC quickly up the field or deepstrike them closer in. They should be durable as well, I think I'm going to take shield of sanguinius to give them all 5+ cover saves, and they also have FnP.


One Assault Squad will deal with infantry (hence 2 flamers, power sword), while the other will deal with any nasty 2+ armor, high toughness units, vehicles, etc (the serg has nothing except melta bombs to take challenges, 1 Power Fist Sang, 1 Force Axe Lib, and 2 melta guns to open the enemy up)


The DC should be able to hammer through anything if they are not too shot up.


Eventually, I will try to regroup my sang bike with the assault marines, so that he can engage in CC with his axe as well.


It's a fast squad, and hits hard. Let me know what you think - I actually feel really good about it, but let me know if you see any glaring weaknesses... I liked having scouts for the additional scoring units, but couldn't really find 75 points for them.

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