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My Blood Angels. (Alyssis)


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I wanted to make a thread where i show of my Blood Angels Army!

Before you judge my painting, you should know that im really not good at it, nor do I have enough patience for it, and most of all, i just want to play, more then i want to paint! tongue.png

Il start of with a few sergeants, and from there you can get a general feel of my colour scheme. This is the first time i upload photos to anything other then facebook, so expect me to have some problems in the beginning!


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The colour is nearer the Flesh Tearers but I like it. You should try dry brushing your metal areas as it takes about the same time as just 'painting' and gives a really nice affect.


Do you have any special characters?


This is my take on Mephiston




Another quick question as I'm not massively tech savvy with forums but how do you have your image inserted into a thread instead of a link like I have above?



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Im sorry bout that third pic yeah, its badly focused.. I only have my iphone to take pictures with!

I will try to take some new pictures of the shield bearers!

Odd; I havent seen what colours they have, but i enjoy this colour alot more then the reguler mephiston red one! So, thats what i whent for! tongue.png
My special characters should come up in the next post!

I also added my dead Space Hulk terminator, for fun..! Im not sure how im gonna paint him yet, but thats the only one i bought simply to test my painting skills after a while..!

As for the pictures, i just right click on the picture i want, press copy image adress, and paste it into the image url thingie. Seems to work for now.!


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You might not see it very well on the pictures i guess, but im pretty pleased with my metallic parts.. swords and other weapons are usually washed, and highlighted.. As for the gold parts, i use some vallejo red gold, and wash it with the same wash i use on the rest of the red armor..!

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Question brother, do you thin your paints? The paint looks thick in some areas... most notably the metallic areas.


Take the metallic areas at the waist for example. A wash of black ink (or thinned black paint) can add some details to the recesses and a quick drybrush over the areas when the paint/ink drys up adds alot of details to the details! Same prinicipal can be used for the mouth grille on helmets.


GW Gold is pretty hard to work with imho and even harder to get a good solid colour out of (well the old ones, havent tried the new ones) same principal can be used though. It gives the armor a more weathered look if thats what you like.

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I dont thin any of my paints.. I do have a thinner, but i rarely use it.. Which models do you talk about? For my assault marines, i simply prime them white, basecoat whit khorne red, wash it with the red wash from citadel, and i use vallejo red gold on the wing symbols, as well as the helmet. On some of the models, they are also washed with that same red wash, as i liked that more then using nuln oil, or agrax earthshade.


I dont use much of the GW gold, and the vallejo ones that i use, red gold, old gold, and copper, are pretty liquid..

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Well reason why I asked is because the paint looks thick in some areas. If your not thinning it, I know why :D tbh GW paint is vastly improved if you thin it, even if just a little bit. I dont know how to work with Vallejo paints sadly as ive never tried them...

Now, about the gold I personally think its abit to...bright. If you dont agree thats fine ofcourse, theyre your models after all whistlingW.gif but id personally give them a quick wash and a another thin layer of paint when that dries up. It generally looks abit...overly bright and a little more realistic. It also shows some of the details in the recesses (like the leaves on the marines chest in your original post, second picture?) which I always think is a nice touch :)

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