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Non-Dedicated Transports & Transported Units In Reserve

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Maybe I'm missing something, but I've looked at all over the rulebook, so I've come here.


Let's say I have a non-dedicated transport (say, a Vendetta) in Reserve, along with a unit it could tranport (say, a platoon infantry squad). How does this work? Do I roll once for both, or one die for each? I know that in the case of IG intantry platoons, you roll for the entire platoon with one roll, with the exception being squads embarked on non-dedicated transports (which are rolled for separately).


What am I missing here? I know there must be something, I've searched my feelings, it must be true.

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Since you can start units in transports, you roll one die for the transport and the unit it transports.

Thing is, I couldn't find a page reference, which is what's bugging me worse than a lose hair between my teeth.

BRB, pg.124, first column, last sentence.  However, this only specifies that a unit and the transport it is embarked upon arrive together.  It doesn't explicitly state that a single die is rolled for both (meaning a rules lawyer could argue that you roll a die for each and the group arrives together if either is rolled as arriving).

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Since you can start units in transports, you roll one die for the transport and the unit it transports.

Thing is, I couldn't find a page reference, which is what's bugging me worse than a lose hair between my teeth.

BRB, pg.124, first column, last sentence.  However, this only specifies that a unit and the transport it is embarked upon arrive together.  It doesn't explicitly state that a single die is rolled for both (meaning a rules lawyer could argue that you roll a die for each and the group arrives together if either is rolled as arriving).

Yeah, that's what I thought. Thanks for the citation. I'll talk it over with the guys at the local club and see what they think. If nothing else, we'll arrive at a houserule that works for everyone involved.


EDIT: Come to think of it, at the club we've always rolled one die for a unit-with-IC-attached coming in from Reserves. Would probably make for a good precedence when I argue my case.

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Page 124 (for reference):

"... A Unit and it's dedicated transport are counted as a single unit for these purposes..."

"First, he must specify to the opponent if any of his independent characters left in reserve are joining a unit, in which case they will arrive together. Similarly, the player must specify if any units in reserve are embarked upon any transport vehicles in reserve, in which case they will arrive together."

"If an Independent Character has joined a unit in reserve... roll a single dice for both the independent character and its unit." (there is no similar mention referring to transports)

Now you could argue that, if you've placed a unit in a non-dedicated transport, this means that you roll for each unit seperately, however as they all arrive together - so long as one arrives - they all do. I'm pretty sure this isn't the RAI - which (I'm sure) is that the unit(s) and transport are counted as a single unit when rolling for reserves, but if you were thinking cheesy - rolling 2 (or more) dice for the group (depending upon the number of units), and so long as 1 comes up a 3+ the whole lot turn up, would actually be a valid interpretation of RAW.


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