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Help against SW


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So I keep getting my butt handed to me by SW.

My regular opponent uses a 1500 point SW list like this:


Wolf Lord, on a thunderwolf with a hammer, shield and eternal warrior;

3 squads of 4 wolf guard with combi meltas in pods.

2 squads of 10 man double plasma grey hunters. 

3 thunderwolf cav with power swords/axes.


Land raider. 


The pods destroy any armour I have, the vindi blows up my footsloggers. Khârn usually does ok, but the result is almost always the same, with me getting tabled. 


Can anyone help me write a decent list to counter this list (keeping to a world eaters theme as much as possible)?



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So I keep getting my butt handed to me by SW.

My regular opponent uses a 1500 point SW list like this:



3 thunderwolf cav with power swords/axes.



Can anyone help me write a decent list to counter this list (keeping to a world eaters theme as much as possible)?



Well, before tailoring a list to beat his - I'd suggest telling him to re-tool his TWC.  Only one model per unit may have a Power weapon.

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Could be three single Squads of 1 mate. msn-wink.gif

True, but he listed other units as "x squads of y", so I figure it's likely that "3 thunderwolf cav" means a single unit.

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Aww too bad you weren't willing to go 1K sons. They are funny vs meq armies.


I'd say we have a few good things for  WE list, though. Juggerlord with Axe of Blind Fury, Khârn in a huge cultist blob, helldrake, helldrake, burning brand of Skalathrax, and helldrake.

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Ok, might be wrong on the t-wolves. 1 power weapon in a squad of 3. :)


I only have 1 chaos chicken, so how do I deal with the thunderwolf lord, the vindicator and the raider?


Is this an ok list?



3 x 8 zerkers (champ with sword, rhino with combi melta)

35 cultists (3 flamers)

Chaos chicken

4 bikers (mark of khorne, 2 meltas, combi melta) 

3 x 1 obliterators



basically, the rhinos move flat out and pop smoke, acting as a mobile screen for the zerkers on foot behind them. Khârn goes in the cultist mob, and the bikers try to get shots off at armour or termies etc. The oblits deepstrike in next to the raider vindicator to try take it out. 

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I usually give my opponent first turn and spread cultists mobs as far as I can, so that his drop pods would land in front of my army and outside melta range, sure, long fangs cause some casualties, but my predators and havoc are safe. AoBF lord usually wins again Logan, Arjac and generic wolf lords, and bikers are awesome against vehicles. I don't use our retarded flying piece of trash, but I think that it would be ok against thunderwolves. DP's for some reasons don't work for me, too fragile and huge fire magnet for long fangs.
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My good friend and most played opponent plays space wolves, though we play at 1850. Here's a couple things I've learned:


Khârn is awesome, but as a second HQ and generally only in a raider, giving him limited utility. I'd save Khârn for larger games and use a lord on a juggernaut (Which is my main stay) or a prince. 


I know you want to use Zerkers but your almost always better off using Khorne marked CSMs. The meltas they can take will make short work of that raider.


Daemon Allies are both fluffy and useful. 


My general impression when I look at your list, is that it seems to easy to pick apart. The only thing that really scares me is the heldrake. Your opponent on the other hand is bringing nothing but heavy hitters, he is how ever light on scoring units and that raider seems out of place...

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My good friend and most played opponent plays space wolves, though we play at 1850. Here's a couple things I've learned:


Khârn is awesome, but as a second HQ and generally only in a raider, giving him limited utility. I'd save Khârn for larger games and use a lord on a juggernaut (Which is my main stay) or a prince. 


I know you want to use Zerkers but your almost always better off using Khorne marked CSMs. The meltas they can take will make short work of that raider.


Daemon Allies are both fluffy and useful. 


My general impression when I look at your list, is that it seems to easy to pick apart. The only thing that really scares me is the heldrake. Your opponent on the other hand is bringing nothing but heavy hitters, he is how ever light on scoring units and that raider seems out of place...

The problem isn't you, it's that GW made it nigh impossible to build a pure Khorn list that's effective from a min/max standpoint.

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