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Yet another Sisters of Chaos army.


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My primary army is Sisters of Battle. I love my space nuns. They are vicious little b$*s.
My second army is Chaos Space Marines. I have had a few others (Orks, Blood Angels, Dark Angels) and still have a small Daemon army as well as a Tyranid army but these two -- Sisters of Battle and Chaos Space Marines -- are what I play.

So all this time, I always hear of people wanting to make a Chaos Sisters army; always Slaanesh; usually fetishistic. I tend to just roll my eyes and go on because it is well known that "a sign of strength for the Adepta Sororitas is the fact that in their entire history only a single Sister, Sister-Superior Miriael Sabathiel of the Order of Our Martyred Lady, has willingly sought out the power of Chaos." One fallen Sister is not enough to base a chaos space marine warband on.

Or so I thought.

Not long ago I looked into Miriael's story a little more. Here is a good synopsis - http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Miriael_Sabathiel
Between the wiki, the lexicanum and the resources cited from those entries I have the references I need. I have read Dan Abnett's story "Invitation" but I have not been able to find a hard copy yet. I will try to find a copy I can keep later but I had enough to start my project.

So now I have finally made my first ever, fully fluff driven army: Miriael's Marauders.

Here is a list of some of the known bits. (skipping most of the notable kills since they are not part of the warband)

  • Sister Superior Miriael Sabathiel of the Order of Our Martyred Lady was captured (allowed herself to be captured?) by the Emperor's Children. While in thier custody she chose to turn to Slaanesh.
  • After she killed her previous Canoness and retinue, "a full mission" of Sister of the Order of the Argent Shroud hunted her but Miriael corrupted and converted them.
  • One squad of Black Templars hunted for her, but again she corrupted and converted them.
  • Imperial Guards of varous ranks and skills are known to have been corrupted.
  • Other renegade and traitor units have been seen with her.
  • She has been called Slaanesh's Champion; I also get the feeling she is trying to take over the Emperor's Children's spot as Slaanesh's enforcers.
  • Miriael's armor has been sealed and enhanced by Slaanesh and is now Armour of Ecstasy.
  • She carries a Daemon Sword called The Agoniser.
  • She also wields a daemonic Bolter that is not yet named.

I'm still working out the rules that would best suit her. Right now I use her as a jump pack Sorceror with Discipline of Slaansh and Telepathy powers. She is converted from a Cannoness with a Seraphim jump pack and a spell familiar. She stilll wears the black armor and red robes from her old Ordos but now with pink linings.

The converted loyalist have kept their old armor colors for the most part but with purple and pink robes where able. Two squads are basic sisters as CSM with white armor, red weapons (Argent Shroud colors) but wearing purple robes with pink lining.

One squad of corrupted Black Templar models armed with CCW. Black and white armor, purple robes for those that have them. This squad also carries an Icon of Slaanesh.

Daemon allies consist of a Heraeld of Slaanesh and a squad of 16 Daemonettes. The daemons have pale skin with light purple hair and claws.

All other infantry models use CSM models painted purple with gold trim and pink highlights. The Heldrake is alsp painted in he purple, gold and pink scheme. I'm still debating on what other vehicles if any I want to include. Most likely a Soul Grinder to go with the allies, 3 Rhinos and possibly a Predator or 2.

Miriael's Marauders


Miriael Sabathiel




Corrupted Black Templars


Fallen Sisters from the Order of the Argent Shroud


Fallen sisters with Daemon Prince "Debbie."


Herald of Slaanesh with Daemonettes


Heavy Weapon teams as Oblitirators




Miriael's warband


Thank you for taking the time look.

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Want my opinion? Sure, here you go.

General idea? Tried, but not a beaten path, good luck.
Miriel miniature, check. Very nice, plus a "babe" on the base.

Baledrake? Default drake, very nice paint scheme.

Corrupted Black Templ...


Suffer not the Unclean to live!


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The good:

The Drake is painted very well. I like it.


The bad:

The Idea is a bit uninspired and when you do it the models should refelct that. Only adding a chaosback is not enough.

 You should try washes and more highlights, short more time per model.

Where is the Chaos on the Sisters and the Templars?

Why doesnt look Miriael Sabathiel like she looked (black hair for example).

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sister falling to slaanesh okay...


But heretic black templars?




Don't get me wrong. I like the idea behind the army.

But I also agree that you maybe should have mixed slaanesh, dark eldar & sister parts to get a unique army?

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sister falling to slaanesh okay...


But heretic black templars?



Hey, I did not write the fluff.  You can talk to Dan Abnett et al about that. :)   I just built the army around the stories as written.

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Hmm, seems teku needs a 'refresher course' on the fraternization rules pertaining to felines *fetches the paddleum*


Anywho, I have to agree that the army lacks a distinct Chaos vibe. Mostly it's just generic sisters and marines with a dark paint scheme. Even more damning is the Imperial iconography still hanging off the Sisters (get it? "Damning!").

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Most of the times someone make a Sister of Chaos army there are many person who don't like the concept itself. Personally I have nothing against and it may even give the SoB army more charisma than it usually have when they act like the "pious servants of the Ecclesiarchy". Sometimes the bad guys, or gals, look more charasimatic than their good counterpart (it's a quite common trope ;) ) even though sometimes the contrary is true....

Now I know there will be hordes of persons who will say "Sisters cannot be corrupted and that piece of fluff, which is actually official fluff, makes not sense etc". We could discuss on it but from the "army making" point of view I'd say: it's your army and you should do what you find interesting.

Summarizing: I'm fine with the concept. Given my opion on the Ecclesiarchy I even think you made those Sisters a huge favour in freeing them from the controll of the Ecclesiarchy itself (Now I now ecclesiarchy fans will attack me tongue.png )

From the modelling point of view: I would have modified the model more "heavily". Despite what many say I think your concept has huge potential for of modelling/conversion purposes.

That's why I would have made a more deep conversion than just add some some Chaos bitz to those models.

However there is thing we must consider before being too swift in giving judgement about this part (namely the "just add Chaos bitz" ones): Making Slaanesh models is not easy, especially if we are worriet about their "rating"... You know what I mean. ;)

Personally I think a more deep modification of the models would have made the project more original but it would have got a different "rating". It's difficult to do slaanesh armies so I don't blame you for the level of such conversions, Brother.... as I said it's very difficult to buidl slaansh armies.

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