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Ideas to name terminator inner circle


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Hey guys.

It has been a while now that I think about how I could name my terminator inner circle. And considering that I can't get something that pleases me, I come in hope you guys can come up with cool names.

So, some infos on those guys :

Black Legion warband.

Cthonian culture more or less : brutality and stuff.

Used as lord retinue / shock troops (with the traditional SoH/BL tactics consisting in striking the enemy HQ).

Elite of the warband.


I'd like something that could maybe link them to the Black Legion... But don't want the Justaerin.

I want something that shows their EVUL nature, brutality and discipline. And something that strikes fear in the enemy's heart, like "Oh god, the Baby Badgers, we're so screwed".


So, you guys have any cool idea ?

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Here's some: Deathstalkers

                     Warp Hunters

                     Chosen of _______

                     Fang of the Legion

                     Hammer of the Gods

                     The Anointed 

                     The Honey Badgers

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Black Harvesters

Eaters of the Dead  (don't use this one, it's a book but I like the name)

Harbringers of Hell (or Pain, Hate, Destruction, Hell, etc)

Discordant Enforcers

Q&A Bootlicking Techs (once the bane of my office, but they have been "downsized" recently)

Vivisection Inc.

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Thanks guys, I love you, you've provided great stuff.

I think the Black Spear is what I'm gonna be using. If you (or others) still have ideas, do not hesitate, I could always chose something else, and it could always be useful to someone else.

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Hey buddies,

The Glaive isn't used yet, as far as I know. In french, a glaive is a short sword that was used in the Roman Republic/Empire (a gladius in english and latin). But, it's also the pole weapon you had in mind, Kol, so that's a nice touch, indeed.

And your comment on the speartip is funnily what I found in the Black Spear. The Black Glaive ? Aww, I just can't decide !

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I like the idea of "The Ebon ____" (warning, this might be inspired by the existence of The Ebon Hand in WoW, which I always though was a cool name).


Maybe work the word "Praetor" or "Praetorians" in?  I think Praetor(s) works better here.


Other random Black-ish ideas:


The Twilight Host

The Unrepentant

I like the idea of shock troops being the something Maul or Hammer.


That's all I've got for now.  Good luck, naming stuff can definitely be hard.

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First, the Black Spear is a Relic Blade wielded by Astareon Moloc, Chapter Master of the Minotaurs.


Secondly, the Black Guard are Dark Elf royal guard in fantasy.


Thirdly, The Ebon Fist sounds fantastic. Gotta step away from the cheesey names and the finesse names. Abaddon is not one for flare or finesse, very much to the point. A fist is very blunt and very primal, it also gets the point across because the fist is a symbol of hostility that goes far far beyond any weapon. That's my two cents.

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