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Anyone had luck with a drop pod BA army?


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Lets not bog down the thread with this issue - it crops up now and again and its a common misconception - you cannot cast prescience on the turn you come in.  


This FAQ clarification was essentially made so that scriers gaze can actually be used.  Any other discussions about it though can head to the OR - you'll find the same responses there from the arguments summarised by Alyssis and St Jude.

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I'm more interested in any advice regarding what psychic powers to put in a libby in the drop pod. Anyone had any good experiences? I am a little underwhelmed with blood lance. Was thinking fear of the darkness, as I am so often coming against enemies castled in the corner, right near their own table edge. 

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Ok, I think the way to look at this is go through the unit choices and highlight the strong options for the BA codex. And then look at how you could possibly improve them with allies etc.


First thing is do you want to go for a null deploy list (meaning pretty much everything comes on from reserve) or a hybrid list of deployed units supported by Drop Pods coming in to disrupt and claim?


The only really viable HQ choices from the BA dex for a Null Deploy list are:


Librarian - Cheap and cheerful, can be given TDA and a Storm Shield to make him a decent-ish tank. Access to Div and Biomancy makes him practical and effective. He can join a DC unit in a pod and buff them the turn after they land with prescience or the 4++ save power.  


Reclusiarch - Built in inv save and a high strength average AP weapon in melee make him a good addition to a DC unit in a pod with Axes or Fists to deal with 2+ and 3+ armour already. He buffs DC considerably on the turn they charge, but is no use if they come down in a pod and get counter-charged before they can move next turn.


Tycho - Gives the whole army Ld10 which is very useful. Has a 2+ save, 4++ invul and all his attacks ignore armour/2D6 pen at i5 so he is a bit handy in combat albeit only 3 attacks base. He's good to stick in a unit of Sternguard or podded Meltagun assault marines. 175pts is a bit pricy for what you get though.



Looking at the elites section when it relates to a Pod list, you are going to be loading up on Frag Cannon Furiosos and Priests. Possibly Sternguard.


Frag Cannon dreads offer an immediate threat. They are difficult to deal with unless you have a fair amount of high strength weaponry. And the use of the Pod means that you should be able to avoid immediate Melta threat by good placement. You can drop them together on one flank and over power a side of the opponent's forces. They are a bit pricey at 160pts basic. You should always add either the Heavy Flamer to give them more template death or take the Meltagun with added Magna Grapple to make them effective anti armour.


Priests will offer your units more survivability after the alpha strike. Marines are not often too bothered about cover saves as it is the massed shooting that brings them down. An extra 5+ save on top of their 3+ armour helps keep them ticking.


Sternguard are the epitomy of alpha strike. Whether it is a Melta or Plasma load out you can pick your targets and potentially cripple a vital part of the enemy force right away. They are generally sacrificial, but adding Tycho and a Priest can help keep them around. That of course makes them very expensive and they don't score. So probably not advisable. 5 or 6 in a pod with 2 plasma, 2/3 melta and a Heavy Flamer is a good mix.




Only really 4 things to look at in a pod list. Tac marines, Assault marines, Death Company and Death Co dreadnoughts.


Let's look at Tactical marines side by side with assault marines. The tactical marines have a greater threat range with their bolters, but then you are in a pod... if you wanted to be at >12 inch range you could just start them on foot. Assault Marines work out cheaper for 10 in a pod. They can take 2 special weapons. The sergeant can take special pistols too should you wish to go all out. But after they drop they offer little threat. Short ranged weapons and poor movement means they are left on holding duty, but do not have the resilience to really do so effectively. They can't take a charge and their overwatch fire is pretty poor with pistols. Neither are really favourable. Which is why we will look to allies later.


Death Company are fabulous. They are terrifying to the opponent. An immediate threat that must be dealt with. They beat all manner of things in combat such as Wraiths, other Marines... They can even hold up blobs for a while.


Death Company Dreads are also much improved. They provide another big threat that must be dealt with. And one with Prescience on it wil turn a Blob Squad into a blob of red goo...


The cool thing about BA is they can access quite a lot of allies. Generic Space Wolf allies are excellent for drop pods because you can fill in the infantry portion of your list which may be lacking due to the BA troops.


You can take up to two HQs for their one available allied HQ slot. Rune Priests are the favourites here, as drop podding Jaws is devastating to Tyrnaids and Necrons. However if you are on a Null Deploy theme you could also take a Wolf Priest with Saga of the Hunter and outflank a unit of your choosing taking advantage of the SW Acute Senses rule to give you an 89% chance of coming on the board edge you want.


Grey Hunters are superior to all BA scoring troops choices in a pod list. Double melta or plasma. Special CCW. Bolters AND BP/CCW AND Counter Attack means you will be getting 3 attacks whether you charge or not and can still offer a threat from >12inches away. As allies you can take two of these.


Wolf Guard squads are excellent because they are cheaper than Sternguard in power armour, can include terminators with combi-weapons for extra resilience, and you can also attach them to your Grey Hunters to give them some more punch if you want. As allies you can take one of these units up to 10 models.


Land Speeder squads armed with double heavy bolters are good also due to their range of 36" meaning you can safely harass the enemy from afar outranging most of their weapons.



But it is really about your decision making on the table as to best run a drop pod list. Knowing the risks you are placing your units in and minimising those whilst maximising the threat you cause. And of course using units that work together well.

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HB Land Speeders are a 42" range, realistically. Move 6" and shoot 2 weapons. Place them behind a ruin or something, then pop out the other side and ready to shoot to full effect. You can even get them cover and still fire both weapons many times, since only 25% have to be covered and the weapons are sort of centered.

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