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How have you adapted to 6th?

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Hi all, 


First up I am new to this forum, but massively impressed by the quality and quantity of the advice on it. 


Secondly, I am concerned about what 6ed has done for my beloved flesh tearers, and struggling to come up with competitive lists within my group (who all seem to play at tournament level and take super hard lists, so fluff is not an option).


So looking at what we have to work with - jump pack assault marines just don't do it like they did in 5th, our tac marines are more expensive than others and DC are a challenge to deliver. Our AV13 vehicles die too easily with the hull points system. 


So i  m racking my brain trying to think of how to make BA work well in 6th. What we have - big Mephiston, storm raven, fnp bikes, and dedicated tport land raiders & drop pods. 


Elsewhere on the forum I have posted my drop pod list, and will be trying it out. But curious to hear your thoughts on other effective builds.


The raven is expensive, but I can see it working with a frag furioso in it, and maybe some DC. But it is so expensive (in terms of points). 


Also, with the shift away from mechanised armies, I think melta is less common - and some of the biggest threats today - helldrake, new tau - seem less able to deal with AV14 than editions past. I have a land raider (standard version) and the opportunity to get a redeemer relatively cheap, so wonder if dual raider might be viable. List would include a libby and a priest in one of the radiers and 2-3 sqns of bikes / attack bikes, and maybe a vindicator (as the raiders should be able to shield the side armour). I'd also love an excuse to to a conversion on some thunder hammer/ storm shield terminators, so someone please tell me that they are awesome.


Anyway, keen to hear some feedback.



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First of all welcome to the forums! smile.png

Tbh fluffy is always a viable way to go if you ask me... Offcourse local meta might mean that your gimping yourself but I personaly always find a way to have fun! If taking Seth does that for you (for example) then I dont see any reasons why you cant make it work

Now how did I adapt to 6th? What did I change? Uhm...to be honest, not a whole great deal. Ive changed the powers on my liby and...thats kinda it ermm.gif Might not be the anwser your looking for but ok... I dont play nearly as regulary as I used to which kinda caused that...

Anyway... It helps if we know what you have. Otherwise I can just give some small pointers that I noticed with the new eddition.

PW vs PF. Now this is a pretty big one. Back in 5th I had a PF on the vast majority of my sargeants (and kinda still do, havent changed the models...) but in this eddition that isent as helpfull. PWs have gotten alot of love and have gained alot in their viability.

Powerswords are pretty generic but give AP3 and hit on initiative. Fact that the most common PW IS a power sword helps as well. Axes are nice to have incase you run into 2+ saves alot. Mauls are usefull if you face armies like nids or other non power armour armies alot. The lower AP is nulified somewhat by the higher S. And spears... Well theyre somewhat of a nich item, id take them on a unit where you can be almost guarranteed to get a charge off or on a squad that needs to kill stuff on the charge, but is in trouble when he doesent succeed in doing that anyway sweat.gif

Now another subject. 2+ saves. Theyre a pain. Your mostly going to be seeing them on peoples HQ's as everyone who CAN take them generally do... Since the generic power weapon (and most are swords) dont nulify 2+ saves anymore this means that ALOT of people have trouble killing of HQ models...In comes the poweraxe! Plasma and melta still solve the "uberHQof epicdoom" problem but generally speaking theres a squad soaking up all that dangerous fire whistlingW.gif

Challenges. I dispise them, plain and simple...but theyre added in the game. It basicly gives one side (most of the times the one with higher Initiatie/WS etc aka, the one with 99% chance to win without getting hit back...) a chance to pick off your sargeant/characters. The other side can challenge if the first one wont but still.. Best part is, if you decline he can PICK a character that cant fight geek.gif go fantasy in space! Yea no to happy with this one, appolagize for the tone.... Reason why alot of players take powerswords again instead of powerfists. I like to keep some fists/axes ready incase I run into uberlord#529 and need to thwack him to death... If I even survive to swing at all. Yay!

Hullpoints. You mentioned this yourself, means alot of our vehicles are pants compared to what they were... If you have a Necron player in your group expect him to grin alot when he can rapid fire at one of your tanks wallbash.gif Only way around it that I managed to deal with it (somewhat) is by beeing abit more carefull with my vehicles. Exposing a side when you dont need to is a killer. Likewise dont expect your vehicle NOT to get glanced, because they will and they will die because of it... So uh, keep them out of harms way and pin point threats and take those out first. Not foolproof but it works for me because my opponents dont take an overkill amount of AT...

Deepstrike has gotten somewhat less dangerous (as did dangerous terrain tests) due to the fact that you can make armour saves (and FnP saves) first before your models actually bite the dust. Mishap is still to be avoided but your termies are very unlikely to die to a man if you land in a crater now!

Skimmers have gotten an cover save when they move and bikes when they turbo boost. Think they already did get one but the skimmers dont have to go flat out to get it, which is a nice boost smile.png

Cover saves as a whole have gun down! This means that forming a gun line is less viable. Still viable, but your troops die faster!

You can premeasure now, which to me takes alot of fun out of the game... But ok il roll with it. Allows one to make alot more tactical choices though so id use the rule to the fullest. Often measuring something even for the hell of it is a nice way to play mind games! biggrin.png

About your suggested list change. It CAN work...but its abit dangerous. AV14 is nice but Melta in meltarange is basicly still the biggest and baddest AT weapon in the game. So if 1 or 2 get close enough to fire your list breaks down fast... Vindies on the other hand are awesome, no matter what list you put them in! Normal bikes are somewhat expensive but with FnP can be a pain to kill. MM AB's just got alot better this edition (imho) as with premeasuring theyre not caught out in the open with their pants down anymore, which is a nice change!

About TH/LC termies. They are VERY awesome in fact! Last game mine lasted till the 6th turn (and then I still had some left) and they tanked about 4 (direct hit) vindicator shots, plasmacannons and lascannons from a bunch of obliderators, lascannon shots from predators. You name it. That 3++ is INSANE!!! Do be sure to use them to their fullest however. I waited to long with mine which meant that by the time they reached combat half of them were dead (and yes, I was footslogging them...) but when they got into combat they were boss! None died in combat either!

Hope I was somewhat helpfull and good luck with your gaming!

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