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Dante's CC attacks


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I was looking over the BA FAQ and noticed that Dante's weapon must be an Axe (old news I guess), but I was wondering if when attacking you can choose to attack with the Infernus Pistol (or fists) and as such attack at I6, but with AP- ?


For example against something attacking at I with AP2?



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In fact there are some times where using the AP- attacks are beneficial.


I was playing a SW player, and he was running an 'overwhelming firepower' SW-build via Speeder+LongFang spam.


I had a unit that charged some screening-Grey Hunters (previously weakened), and I knew I would overkill the unit and face the wrath of his shooting. So to mitigate, my Librarian and Sergeant both used their pistols instead of their Power Axes. This meant the GH survived instead of all dying, and I beat him in the Sweeping roll-off so I remained locked up in melee. In the opponent's turn I switched to using the Axes and killed them off, freeing me up to assault the LongFangs behind them in my next turn.


The opponent was.... not happy. He had not heard of 'using the pistol' ..... he acted as if I had slapped his wife and called his baby ugly all at once. He very nearly rage-quit... I was not anticipating that reaction to a completely legal rule and 100% legitimate way to 'pull your punch'

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You can imagine it, can't you? Dante charges in, grabs his opponent by the throat, tosses his pistol in the air, catches it with the barrel and then slaps the filth right out of him with the butt of the pistol.


Wasn't there a wrestler that did something similar, but would spit in his hand prior to the slap?

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  • 2 weeks later...


Following dswanick's post in a thread on multiple close combat weapons, I have brought this up in the OR forum on the same thread.


The rules are clear.  If you have multiple close combat weapons, you may choose which one to use and get its profile and rules.  A pistol is a close combat weapon.

Agreed.  If Dante was only armed with his ax, he would have to use it.  As he is armed with his ax (type: melee) and a pistol (special rule: counts as melee in the close combat) he gets to choose.

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