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Oblit unit question

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I only have 3 oblits w/ MoN in my army as my only Heavy slot choices, is it better to run them all individual or 2+1 or 3 together? all individual gives more flexibility and can then add 3 scoring units (if i get the right mission), the 2+1 is kinda a mix and the one large unit is much more survivable. I guess i could change it up based on my opponents. but anyway the question stands whats usually the best way to run these guys?



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Really depends on how many slots you have. Three works well, as does 2+1, as you have slightly more versatility. I wouldn't want them taking up too many slots though generally - there are other good options in that slot that should really be looked at.

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I would keep them in squads of 3 to ensure that whatever target you had dies after the deepstrike (This would be for high av tanks for example). Playing a lone obliterator may work, but it doesn´t insure that you kill your target and it also gives away a very easy kill point. I usually try to get 2*3 Oblis in a 1500+ list. As my fast attack is usually filled with drakes and I really need the melters on the oblis.

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