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6th Edition Blood Angels


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Hello all,


I am in the process of making an army list, but it seems most of my lists are more "5th edition based". So I was wondering, "What is it that makes a successful 6th edition blood angels list?"

I'll start off by saying that it seems MM attack bikes are a key part.

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Hmm, here are some units I like to take as my "core":


1) Mephiston.  Some swear by him.  Others swear against him.  Personally, I love him just for the fear factor his stat-line and ability brings to the table.  I'm not gonna go in depth about what he can and cannot do, or how you should or shouldn't use him.  Others would provide a WAY better analysis for or against him.


2) Jump Pack Libby.  The paragon of pure utility and force multiplication.  This dude runs in a RAS squad and, if codex powers are chosen, can give a 5+ cover save to a core army (Assault Marine horde, meph, etc).  If you decide to roll the divination table, I like to take prescience.  Re-rolls to hit are god-like.  The JP libby is far FAR from a combat master.  I like to give him a power axe for ap2 goodness and another reason I will explain with Sanguinary Priests.


3) Sanguinary Priest.  FNP 'nuff said.  I slap a jump pack and axe on my priest and let him roll with my core RAS horde (Meph, Assault Marines, Libby).  The axe lets me keep him out of combat until the Initiative 1 step, then I aim him where he will survive and do some damage.


4) Jump Pack Assault Marines.  These guys frustratingly took a HUGE with 6th edition rules.  The loss of +1I on the charge, random charge range, overwatch, et al.  However, I think they form a very essential core for mobile scoring.  I usually kit out my AS with x2 meltaguns and throw a krak grenade for tank nuking.  Keep them spread out and out of line of sight as much as possible when facing large blast templates, else they're boned.

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Hard part is choosing troops - or scorers. Tac squads cost more than other chapters, jump marines have been nerfed, and razorback assault squads also suffer from hull point rules. 


What we have that others don't - gunslinger capability on our SGTs, subsidised drop pods and land raiders. 

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It is, of course, dependent on your play group. Mine is about half and half, as far as who has migrated to 6th lists, and who is sitting happily in 5th edition list land.


I have played against: IG parking lot, 6th edition Chaos Marines, Green Wave orks, and 6th edition Nids, and Necrons (not flyer spam). And one game that was 6th edition Dark Eldar. Unfortunately, I have been playing my Nids more than my Blood Angels.


Massed Infantry. If you have it, play around with it. I personally run it with 2 S-Priests for adequate coverage of FNP and 1 or 2 Librarians. I mix and match for the Psy powers when running 2 librarians, because if you assume people read netlists, then you can assume plasma. Shield of Sanguinius is still sweet, even with better cover out there, you still have to run at the gunline(s).


Drop Pods. Love 'em. I drop Death Company or tacticals. Tacticals is a personal choice for me. Death Company get bolters now, thanks to rage. +2 on charge? Yes please.


Terminators. Take that power sword! And if they take axes? Pfft. Then at least you get to swing at them , and take them out with you, instead of dying like in 5th.


And my least favorite list options. AV 13 Wall. Yes, it's spammy. And probably unfluffy. But, it's been my experience, that when every new codex gets cheaper and cheaper infantry, we will quickly become out numbered as our assault squad and tacticals...and everything else, gets better in other codex. So, I ONLY run it when someone asks to tournament level obnoxiousness. Because this rock has to fight some paper airplanes. So, maximum threats it is. 3 Baal with maximum dakka, 1-2 Vindicators, and whatever number of normal predators to fill the gap. Leaves you 2-3 troop options. This lets you weather the plasma rain if you have internet friends. It gives your dudes cover. Take a Librarian and keep the Codex Psy Powers and get Shield. Cover for everyone.

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I have a tax squad that i use to split in 2 with a ML and a PG. But they dont do anything 90% of the time. Yeah our scouts are pricy but blood angels are not an objective holding army....we really should consider 10 scouts with whatever and cloaks and use our points to boost our attack potential.
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I think BA players that are looking to be competative need to Ally in cheaper scoring... and must have an answers to Helldrakes (air superiority or rhinos) in order to have a chance.  Our hammer units are not bad, we jst pay to much for scoring compared to other nex dexes, infact  I cannot think of another codex that pays more for their power armor, scoring units, or their dedicated transports (not counting the discount, but 6th ed rules made putting ASM squads in Razorbacks less then useless now).

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I think BA players that are looking to be competative need to Ally in cheaper scoring... and must have an answers to Helldrakes (air superiority or rhinos) in order to have a chance.  Our hammer units are not bad, we jst pay to much for scoring compared to other nex dexes, infact  I cannot think of another codex that pays more for their power armor, scoring units, or their dedicated transports (not counting the discount, but 6th ed rules made putting ASM squads in Razorbacks less then useless now).


Grey Knights pay more.

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Tell me pls: why should i pick the DC with bolter? They hit even harder w CCW+BP,right? BTW i am finished my CSM army and want to start a BA army...so biggrin.png i will have more questions, beaware

Death Company are relentless, so you can rapid fire with them and then they still charge with 4 attacks.

I love this because configuration because they still remain a terrifyingly hard-hitting and resilient unit but the ability to shoot before charging means they can soften up a squad before they charge, which can be really important since they lost the initiative bonus from Furious Charge.

It also means that they can threaten up to 24" away and just generally gives you more tactical flexibility with them without really sacrificing much in the way of their ability to table units.

They are simply amazing--I highly suggest you experiment with them.

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I think BA players that are looking to be competative need to Ally in cheaper scoring... and must have an answers to Helldrakes (air superiority or rhinos) in order to have a chance.  Our hammer units are not bad, we jst pay to much for scoring compared to other nex dexes, infact  I cannot think of another codex that pays more for their power armor, scoring units, or their dedicated transports (not counting the discount, but 6th ed rules made putting ASM squads in Razorbacks less then useless now).


Grey Knights pay more.

Coteaz..., grand strat., the ability to take TDA that score without any tax/ FOC manipulation. 

The issue is that the scoring BA have is expensive and can be killed by Helldrakes because nothing short of Sang. Guard with Dante in the army has a 2+ save. 

I disagree Wolf Pack, and think that GK can get cheaper scoring with henchman and have more durable scoring in the form of GK Terminators.   

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Tell me pls: why should i pick the DC with bolter? They hit even harder w CCW+BP,right? BTW i am finished my CSM army and want to start a BA army...so biggrin.png i will have more questions, beaware

2 points that stopped me from running them for purely CC.

1) Furious charge. That Initiative loss really hurts for a dedicated close combat unit. You get to go at the same time (or slower) as every other dedicated close combat unit. As far as I know, only 1 piece of wargear and 1 psychic power ever hits you back from YOU shooting THEM. So that means no swings back at you.

2) 6th edition. Not that the land raider was some super god-powered mail man, but hull points really make it...bad? Less than good? Meh? And the ability for stuff to never assault from reserve and no disembarking-to-assault if moving more than 6''. Well, there goes my stormraven. So, there is no best way to deliver Death Company that won't involve them actually having to walk somewhere, like I used to find in 5th.

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Tell me pls: why should i pick the DC with bolter? They hit even harder w CCW+BP,right? BTW i am finished my CSM army and want to start a BA army...so biggrin.png i will have more questions, beaware

2 points that stopped me from running them for purely CC.

1) Furious charge. That Initiative loss really hurts for a dedicated close combat unit. You get to go at the same time (or slower) as every other dedicated close combat unit. As far as I know, only 1 piece of wargear and 1 psychic power ever hits you back from YOU shooting THEM. So that means no swings back at you.

2) 6th edition. Not that the land raider was some super god-powered mail man, but hull points really make it...bad? Less than good? Meh? And the ability for stuff to never assault from reserve and no disembarking-to-assault if moving more than 6''. Well, there goes my stormraven. So, there is no best way to deliver Death Company that won't involve them actually having to walk somewhere, like I used to find in 5th.

I use a drop pod to deliver them, if that's helpful.

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I want to run a DC squad in a Drop Pod as they make a great distraction, however I was planning on running them as a CC squad, as thats what these guys are very good at doing. However, DC with Bolters, as Inquisitor Eisenhorn pointed out, are very nasty in there own right. Would a squad of DC with mostly Bolters, but with maybe 2x to 3x of them equipped with PW's or PF's, or maybe 1x or 2x with Incenerator Pistols. Thoughts? Besides that, the issue Im currently having with them is what units to use. Currently, for Troops I just planned to run 2x RAS squads of 10x w/2x Meltas and a Sergeant w/PF to start, but besids that, Im still not sure what route I want to go with these guys. I like the idea of runnning a troop-heavy BA army, however I like the idea of running Vindicators as my Heavy Choices, as being fast vehicles, they could form a solid Armor 13 wall for my marines to hide behind, or run a List with a lot of Assault Marines, supported by Drop Pod units (Squad of DC and Furiosos), and a unit of Vanguard Vets. That surprises me quite a bit, as VV just seem awesome with the BA army, as they are cheaper then any other VV, but get the DOA special rule. Any reason why no one has mentioned these guys?
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I don't like shooting mass bolters before I charge anymore. Random charge length and taking casualties off the front ranks first doesn't really guarantee an assault like it used to in 5th. I also don't like running my DC as an over-glorified tac squad. A 50/50 split between bolters and pistols is a healthy compromise, Imo, and I can take casualties off the bolter DC while still maintaining a higher late game CC effectiveness.
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VV are awesome but you have to build your army around them. They need major support. I would certainly field them in a drop pod army


Thats what I heard lol, which is why I have been considering running an army with RAS squads and a Ball Predator or two and some scouts on the board to start out with, and then drop pod in my DC and my 2x Furioso Dreadnoughts. Each Drop Pod will have a Locator Beacon, which will allow my VV to come in near the enemy and just start tearing everything apart. Plan to run 1x Squad of 10x, as I can combat squad them after they land, potentially giving me the ability to assault multple units at once, especially if the DC are still around. Now if all goes according to plan, I should have my BA units Assaulting them by turn 2x, and depending on the enemy and terrain, my 2x to 3x RAS will be close enough at this time to be able to assault or at least provide close-range fire support. Not a bad idea in my personal opinion.

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I think BA players that are looking to be competative need to Ally in cheaper scoring... and must have an answers to Helldrakes (air superiority or rhinos) in order to have a chance.  Our hammer units are not bad, we jst pay to much for scoring compared to other nex dexes, infact  I cannot think of another codex that pays more for their power armor, scoring units, or their dedicated transports (not counting the discount, but 6th ed rules made putting ASM squads in Razorbacks less then useless now).


Grey Knights pay more.

Coteaz..., grand strat., the ability to take TDA that score without any tax/ FOC manipulation. 

The issue is that the scoring BA have is expensive and can be killed by Helldrakes because nothing short of Sang. Guard with Dante in the army has a 2+ save. 

I disagree Wolf Pack, and think that GK can get cheaper scoring with henchman and have more durable scoring in the form of GK Terminators.   


That's with a special character.  The problem you mention is a problem for all MEQ armies, it's not exclusive to BA.

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