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Khorne Berzerker Squads

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Ok, so quick question for you guys? How do you tool out your Khorne Berzerker Squads? Do you fork over the points for the chain axes? Are they even worth it? (I doubt it)


What weapon do you skull your skull champions? Power sword? Power axe? Lightning claw? Power fist?


Do tell, please.

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I normally don't worry about chain axes, but the majority of my opponents are marines. For the champ? I like to put a fist on him, however having to challenge, I do like a sword now. If I sword it i always go melta bombs. Lol the amount of times I charge a dread and fail to glance with a krak is legendary,
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Ya, I honestly think since challenges are important (and cool), I'll probably be taking a lightning claw. You already have four attacks on the charge with rage and that shredding perk does help make sure attacks hit...
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No chain axes, champ gets a Power Axe, and they get a Banner if there on foot. That being said I only use them in 'fluffy' lists and use khorne marked marines in my competitive lists.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just curious. I see most people saying Claw and Melta Bomb. I've been running Sword/Melta Bomb.


So with the lightning claw i'm assuming rerolling the wounds outweighs losing the one extra atttack you would gain from power sword due to Specialist Weapon rule? I just found the extra attack come in handy since he is S5 on the charge anyways. However I may try the L-Claw for awhile and see how it works out. :)

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Lightning claw works out just a tiny bit better against most targets on average when charging. Being able to re-roll hits and wounds against Marines on the charge (with Hatred) is always fun :D
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Lightning claw works out just a tiny bit better against most targets on average when charging. Being able to re-roll hits and wounds against Marines on the charge (with Hatred) is always fun biggrin.png


Also, I am a big fan of rerolls. As long as the points cost is reasonable, I try to fit it in. I'd gladly take one less attack if I can reroll to wound. Since the sword and the claw are the same price, it's an easy choice for me.

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I favor the lightning claw on my CSM squads and it's worked well for my MoS and MoK squads. Most people favor the lightning claw especially because it works out to a slightly higher wound percent than the sword, especially because the most common enemy of ours are space marines of some sort, thus we usually get a reroll. Swords aren't really a bad option either though. You'd get three attacks base and then five on the charge (at strength 5 too).

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To put the numbers to it. (target is generic MEQs)


Sword charging

5 WS5 S5 attacks = 2.22 dead marines

Claws charging

4 WS5 S5 reroll wound attacks = 2.37 dead marines


Sword charged (assuming Counter Attack)

4 WS5 S4 attacks = 1.33 dead marines

Claws charged (assuming Counter Attack)

3 WS5 S4 reroll wound attacks = 1.5 dead marines


That said, the most important aspect is that it looks cool, isn't used by loyalist very often and with the raptor/warp talon set, you have easy access to a great number of claws.



EDIT: Lets add numbers for the filthy Xenos (target is Tau)

Sword charging

5 WS5 S5 attacks = 2.78 dead Xeno

Claws charging

4 WS5 S5 reroll wound attacks = 2.59 dead Xeno


Sword charged (assuming Counter Attack)

4 WS5 S4 attacks = 1.78 dead Xeno

Claws charged (assuming Counter Attack)

3 WS5 S4 reroll wound attacks = 1.78 dead Xeno

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Thing is though, with Tau and Crons being big nowadays (and Eldar on the horizon) you sorta have to take into account Xenos which it seems like the sword would be slightly better because of the added attacks. Then again it depends on your meta too (if you've got hardcore SM players....).

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Nice.. Thanks. Yeah for the sake of that fraction of difference i'll start using claws... because as was mentioned... they look better.. smile.png

It's a fact that good lookin' models perform 3.14% better than ugly models. wink.png

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