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The Tyrant's Claws


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Well, I've finally decided to start a little project log/ blog thing on my steadily expanding Red Corsairs force. I'm doing this for a few reasons; as motivation and a chance to get some criticism on both fluff writing and painting, as a source to vent any pent-up creativity, and because my uni degree requires a fair bit of blog writing, so this should be good practice (also, because some of us just love the sound of our own voice ;) ).


This'll blog will be comprised of fluff writing, battle reports (when I get time to play), and pics of models (if I can figure out how to take good photos, if not this blog'll probably die sad and alone). Now to the fun stuff!








It was dark. Pitch dark. And hot. Far too hot, he couldn't breathe. He tried to move, but he couldn't - something was
preventing him, he was stuck! Intense heat overwhelmed him. Then he saw it, coming out of the darkness, its monstrous form lurching through the burning, crackling haze. Its jaw was made from five long blades, all tapering to a single point which then opened to reveal its throat, a hole in which glowed a terrifying blue light surrounded by a jagged, chaotic star. The beast lunged, the warrior tried to move but he was still stuck. He tried to raise his flamer, to ward the beast off, but his hand came up empty. In desperation he swung his right claw. The Ghost Razors had the power to cleave the beast in two, but his arm still wouldn't move! The blaze consumed him as the beast wrapped it’s maw around his head. Instinct took over as the warrior tried to fight it off, but it did no good. The beast vomited its daemonic fire into his skull, and the warrior screamed; a choking, metallic, pain-filled scream.



He awoke, his breath rasping painfully in the dark. His hearts beat at an alarming rate, and he still couldn't see. Panic almost overwhelmed him, but he stopped. His enhanced vision took only a moment to regain control. The warrior breathed, slowly. He looked around. Where was he? He did not recognise the room. The warrior tried to rise, and felt that massive weight tie him down again. He looked down, and there he saw it. The bear claw. Massive, blood red, vicious. He could see his body too, ravaged, exposed, wires and cabling visibly all through his armour and right side of his body. His blood went cold. His stomach clenched and his few remaining organs seemed to shrivel inside. He could remember now, he could remember - the blast. The pain. The voices in his head and the voices in the darkness. The repairs, the screeching. Such pain and agony he thought was in the chambers of Hell. But he wasn't, not quite. When he woke, the pain was still there. His soldiers had saved him, for which he had been grateful, but the pain remained, and he soon found he had not escaped the pits of Hell at all. The recollections washed over him in a heartbeat. Alone in the darkness, the Tyrant screamed; a choking, metallic, pain-filled scream…

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Love it! Especially the imagery used comparing the claw to a beast of Chaos that'll tie him to his fate.
Bravo, keep up the good work.

- Malatox

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Hey Biaz !

Cool stuff, glad to hear we'll have a closer look to your Red Corsairs. After having them fighting side by side with my Black Legion during our glorious conquest of the Arx Rift, I can't wait to see more of them !

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Thanks guys, glad you liked it! My next update shall be some pics; I've spent a few hours just reading up the B&C photography tutorials (shout out to everyone there for all their good advice!) and I've managed to take some half-decent pics. Unfortunately the lighting's not too great, I'll work on improving that, so it does rob the models of a bit of their details, but these guys are really only TT quality anyway, so they don't have a huge amount of detail to lose anyway.


I'll start with my Dark Vengeance guys. They're pretty standard and are the most recent models I've bought, so don't suffer from being stripped and repainted about 1000 times like the rest of my army. :D


Up until late last year I was a Black Legion player, but after reading the Badab War books I fell madly in love with Huron, and have now set about repainting much of my army in the livery of the Red Corsairs. None-the-less, the Black Legion is still my favourite legion, so I will be keeping a few of my nicest models in their colours. Here I've got both a Black Legionnaire and Red Corsair from the Dark Vengeance release:


Red Corsair & Black Legionnaire DV



Black Legionnaire DV



Red Corsair DV


This here is my Chaos Lord with AoBF. I absolutely LOVE this model, and am working on a name and backstory for him steadily



Chaos Lord



My Helbrute, Sartak. If anyone has read Into the Maelstrom by Chris Pramas, my Helbrute is based off the main protagonist of that story. Sartak was an Astral Claw Librarian that became disenchanted with the depravities he saw his brothers indulge in once in the Maelstrom. He was captured by the White Scars, but convinced them that if allowed to return to Huron, he could uncover the plans for his next raid and lead the Blood Reaver into a White Scar trap. When released and found by the Corsairs, he was made to reprove his loyalty to the Tyrant of Badab - by slaying his White Scar companion. Eventually he learnt of the Corsairs' next raid, and retreated to his chambers to send an astropathic message to a White Scar librarian. When the message was sent, he was confronted by Blackheart himself and a loyal sorcerer. Blackheart informed Sartak that he was aware of his betrayal and used him to misdirect the White Scars, leaving the Tyrant's true target exposed. Sartak made a desperate attempt to destroy the Tyrant, but Blackheart dismembered him and the psyker blasted Sartak into unconsciousness. When he awoke he found himself imprisoned in a Dreadnaught sarcophagus, never to be released. In this moment his mind broke in horror.


Armenneus Valthex later finds himself curious as to the effects of pure warp exposure to the body and soul of a mortal astartes. Finding Sartak forgotten far beneath Blackheart's fortress on New Badab, he reattaches him to a Dreadnaught body, removing all neural controls that would give Sartak any control of his adamantium body. Clamping the hapless warrior to the exterior of his ship, Valthex makes a warp-jump to the distant Corsair star-fortress of Hell's Iris. Sartak's body, mind and soul are flayed, melted and reconstructed by a variety of insane warp entities, and the maddened creature that arrives at the star-fort shows little resemblance to the warrior who left the dungeons of New Badab.




Helbrute (Back)



And finally! Unnamed Sorcerer, patiently awaiting a back-story and name.



Chaos Sorcerer

Chaos Sorcerer (Back)

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to be honest, i think the models are pretty good. your DV ones could do with some lighting as you say but other than that i think they'll look great on the table. i especially like the cloak for your sorceror, nice free handing there. looking forward to your next minis thumbsup.gif

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Up until late last year I was a Black Legion player, but after reading

the Badab War books I fell madly in love with Huron, and have now set

about repainting much of my army in the livery of the Red Corsairs.

The brothers from the Maelstrom are brothers to my warband !

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