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Hello and Salutations

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Names Northborn but you can call me NB for short.  I got into Warhammer 40k a long time ago thanks to a first person shooter called Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior to which I had the pleasure of slaughtering Imperial Guard and then to die horribly to a Space Marine, since then I have been on and off obsessed with 40k over the years to which finally of late I have had the courage (and money) to start up the hobby on my own.  I hope to one day have a complete battle ready chapter of Space Marines and one day to FINALLY get to play at least one game of Deathwatch, and also a quick shout out to all my Kansas and Mizu nerds out there surviving another summer winter.


Peace and War


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Now, when you say "chapter of my own" are you referring to a full 1,000 strong chapter? Or designing your own chapter? Either way, I encourage it!

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Thanks guys for the welcome and might as well say it now "Sorry for any late replies, Walmart Overlords do not permit communication with the outside".



Most likely both, but, I do realize that it is a long-term goal.  Currently working on the fluff and color scheme (Space Marine Painter is a grace from the Emperor), as a writer i am obsessed with the facts and the "standing apart" facade of the process (more so on those then grammar ironically enough), I hope to post it in its entirety on the DIY section some time soon.

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