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Snow Bases and Durability

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So, I've seen a lot of different methods for snow bases, but often it seems to be used for display models, not gaming models.  It looks like something that would fairly easily get rubbed or chipped off a base.  So, are there any methods for snow effects on a base which will strongly stand up to the rigors and ravaging of frequent handling and transport?  If so, please point me in the direction of it's/their How To guide :)


Thanks in advance.

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Vellejo snow effects will dry to a tough finish.  The down side is that it is intended for HO and N scale model trains so looks smooth on 32mm or heroic 28mm models.


My favorite snow is plain ol' Woodland Scenics Snow and Elmer's glue.  It's more fluffy but does not hold up to the level of handling you have mentioned before.  For most people, sure.  But if you rub on it the little flakes will come off.

Unless you use something like GWs white grass you can always try mixing your product with gloss varnish. Should work with crushed glass or bicarbonate of soda. Just try it on a strip of paper, should end up pretty solid once dried.

When you put it where you want it you could sprinkle some of it over the wet mixture to take down the wet look a notch.



Never had much of problem with flock falling off my bases and I just use undiluted woodglue with a drop of white paint to give the crushed glass a little extra whiteness. Don't play much though.


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