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Iron Claws - Sons of the Blood


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This is the start of a story I have been working on for a while and it follows mainly the Iron Claws Chapter and their plan for survival.   Feed back would be great; I am also new to forum stuff.  As far as I know the Iron Claws don't exist as a chapter, but if anyone knows otherwise please tell me.




The four figures stood in the dimly lit room; the occasional light from illumination rods on the wall, three of the figures stood in the centre while the fourth was on the edge of the room looking in towards them.  They had been there for sometime dressed in their duty robes, not one of them had given thought to how long, and it was their duty to serve.  They had been told what was expected of them

and they accepted it knowing the dangers.  The fourth figure moved into the edge of the light, stood still placing a staff down in front of him; he wore robes of white over red armour, his face hidden beneath a hood but all could see who he was.

‘It is understood then?  You are aware of what must be done?’

‘Yes Lord’ replied one of them.

‘There can be no room for error in this deployment.  You must not be discovered.  You are the Chapter’s Shadow.  You are to remove all elements you will have made contact with.  Is this understood?’

‘Yes Lord.  We are the condemned.  We are the honoured dead.  We do not exist’ they all said in unison bowing their heads; turning and then leaving the room.

Watching them leave he had a feeling of walking a line and that a fall to either side could lead to damnation.  He knew that the Chapter had little choice in this matter and that to do nothing would lead to a slow death and that this endeavour was worth the risk.  To employ such means was frowned upon by many Chapters; to do what they were about to do would certainly bring the Chapter’s honour and worse their loyalty into question.  As he thought more of what might be to come, a familiar presence slowly started appearing in his mind as if a figure was walking out of fog making it apparent to him.

‘You are getting better at that old friend’ he said allowing a smile to appear as he turned to face the figure.

The black robed figure moved out of a corner of the room and removed his hood and gazed over at the other.  His face almost impossible to read in the light of the room but he made no effort to hide his thoughts.

‘Have you been doing extra work?  I feel that sometimes you should have listened and followed a different path.’  He was surprised that he had not felt his presence but proud as he had been tutoring him on his control.  He was not surprised when he got no response

there were times for humour with him and this was not one of those times.  ‘You disapprove and yet you put your approval
to this?’ he continued.

‘I stand by my decision Drukel.  However, it does not mean I have to be happy with it.  What we do here may damn the entire Chapter; I do not approve of this secrecy but as always I shall be watching’

‘As always we are grateful of you and your guardians.  This would not have occurred though without the approval of the entire of the

council.  I have seen as far as I can and we now leave it to fate’ He did not wish to be drawn into another debate on the issue; the council of the chapter had decided that to not do this would be far worse and they had all agreed the chapter must survive.   

‘This Chapter has always courted secrecy; but I feel today we have made a move closer to a line

that should never be crossed’.  He said moving to leave; he paused as he reached the exit and turned to look at Drukel.  ‘I shall always be watching.  I will always do what is best for the Chapter no matter what the outcome my Brother’

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