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A question for the forces of Chaos

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I, Drii_Jokker of the Crimson Slaughter pose thee, the mighty chaos legion, a question. Take my name however you wish to do so, but this question is of utmost importants. Why, when i am filling in the registration form, does the Great Lord Inter-Net not accept my answer to the security question? The question I was asked by the Bolter and Chainsword's fearsome gatekeeper was "Who sits on the Golden Throne?" I, like any other Chaos brother, answered, "The False Emperor", but NAY! I was denied entry and cast back into the Eye of Terror. The soldier that stood at the gates must have been of imperial persuasions, rather than a non-bias entity.


So brethren, I ask you this. Are we despised even by the Great Lord Inter-Web? Must we conform to these Imperial views if we are to communicate with our fellow Chaos brothers? And if so, why? When we too so rightly participate in the battles of Warhammer? 


Please enlighten me brothers.



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Try entering "the Corpse God, that festering malignancy at the rotten heart of the galactic cancer which masquerades as the so-called Empire of Mankind".  Note that it's case sensitive.

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Hey I like the rotting corpse on the throne for some reason it really seems exactly what Nurgle would want

A rotting corpse on a mouldering ruling over a corrupt empire that has stagnated refusing change, spreading death and misery to the galaxy to both its own subjects and enemies fueled by the deaths of billion like a bloated parasite feeding off a dying host

For some reason I now want to try that to see what different names for tge emperor would work

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I ISSUE A CHALLENGE! The winner is the person to find the single most awesome name for the emperor, winner is decided by likes and scores double points if it works in the registration form.

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Who sits on Terra? Who is enthroned there? A false god, a rotten idol fallen low! The weakling Imperium calls him 'Emperor', but we see him true! He is the betrayer, the false father, the loadstone around the neck of Mankind. His 'light' casts long shadows in which Humanity stagnates and falters whilst his 'faithful' hoard riches and influence. He turned from his sons, and from us - his champions - and left us out in the cold to die! He is naught but a corpse on a dulled throne and we shall see him swing from a gibbet before we are done! The weakling Imperium calls him 'Emperor', but I name him 'Tyrant'.
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Who sits on Terra? Who is enthroned there? A false god, a rotten idol fallen low! The weakling Imperium calls him 'Emperor', but we see him true! He is the betrayer, the false father, the loadstone around the neck of Mankind. His 'light' casts long shadows in which Humanity stagnates and falters whilst his 'faithful' hoard riches and influence. He turned from his sons, and from us - his champions - and left us out in the cold to die! He is naught but a corpse on a dulled throne and we shall see him swing from a gibbet before we are done! The weakling Imperium calls him 'Emperor', but I name him 'Tyrant'.

Ok yea i am trying that, if it doesnt work there is something wrong

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Thanks for the support :)


@teutonicavenger: whenever I write up the post battle reports (in character) for my fledgling Death Guard I explore how my Nurglites mix with their foes/allies - in many they mock Imperials for being repelled by the DG's worship of rot when their own god is also a rotten god.

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