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any new csm?

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The legion dreads that forge world have are pretty cool. I don't like the hellbrute model at all, but thats me. 
I haven't seen anything in the rumor mill about Chaos wave 2 since like November, and that was pretty much the rumor (that ended up being true) that the wave was postponed until the emperor wakes up.

Still waiting on what, brutes, cultist and something else im sure.



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I'd be happy with just a new Chaos Marine boxed squad set. The current one is getting pretty old, and I hate the top knots (apologies, Mr. Abaddon). Some of the DV cultists were released in their own small box, but it will take a lot of those $10/5 cultist boxes to build a blob squad like the codex allows. And you'd have a lot of dupes...

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I think we would hopefully see something by the end of summer when Apocalypse is to hit the board. Now I do not expect something special but any bits of plastic that are marked by chaos are good for me. Probably if the SM appear in September or October we would have something useful too for our conversions but so far we are on the sidetrack. I sincerely doubt that we will see new basic CSM for quite some time, GW has to deplete its old stocks first and I doubt that demand is high with all the DA, Tau and Eldar enthusiasm that will mark this year. 

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im refusing to buy any more GW stuff untill they release a plastic bloodthirster, its all i wanted from the last daemon release and it wasnt there :(

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The following were rumored to be in the works:


dual kit plastic mutilators/obliterators

plastic cult marines, with sons being first in line

plastic helbrute with all the stuff


Forgeworld was also supposedly working on a new Dreadclaw, to replace the previous model which was pulled a while back, along with a bunch of the old aeronautica stuff.


I can certainly believe all that was in development, particularly the dual kit oblits, which are basically the only believable reason that mutilators exist at all, and the Dreadclaw - if they weren't planning a replacement why pull the old one?  However, I haven't heard anything about these in quite some time, so who knows.


I certainly hope these models see the light of day at some point.  Especially since recently new models releases sometimes come with new rules in white dwarf, and a new FW Dreadclaw model would similarly be an opportunity to revisit its rules.  Functional and interesting rules for all of the cults and a new dedicated transport option for our infantry and dreadnought could do an awful lot for our codex.


Of course, we could just as easily never see any of these models.  Or we could see new models, but no new rules, leaving the berzerkers and thousand sons as terrible, the noise and plagues as functional but uninteresting, and the dreadlaw as dead weight in the fast attack section, instead of a dedicated transport that might breath new life into our troop and elite sections.  Who knows.  Until we start seeing rumors of immanent model releases, its not worth getting worked up over.

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As I keep getting deeper and deeper into this hobby I find my self liking Forge World a lot more than GW proper.

I'm honestly more excited for all this Horus Heresy stuff (Book 2 in particular, confirmed to have Night Lords (as well as Word Bearers, Iron Hands, and Salamanders). But in fairness I suppose GW does have a larger base to support than power armored folks. 

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Personally, I tend to view Forgeworld as a supplement to GW rather than some sort of replacement. That being said, I wouldn't mind some new Chaos Marines miniatures whether it be from Forgeworld and/or GW.
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It's highly unlikely we'll see a Hellbrute kit before the next codex hits. GW doesn't care for it, they just took the Chaos Dreadnought, made it playable - not great, just playable - then changed the name and gave it a neat model, and that's it. Currenty there's no reason to have a Hellbrute other than having the DV model, so it will get a proper kit when it gets better rules and more options in the next codex.


Also I'm pretty sure we won't see a dual Oblits/Mutilators kit until the next codex hits. Many people already have a lot of those Obliterator models, and I would be very suprised if Mutilators were anything but a quick cash-in. Again, GW doesn't care.

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As long as there's no new helbrute model incorporating all the available options, other companies are free to produce their own representing the options not currently covered.  At least, that's more or less how the chapterhouse fallout seems to read.  As a result, yeah, I'm almost certain a new plastic kit for the helbrute/dreadnought was and is still planned.  When we'll see it, who knows.  It could wait until the next codex, probably another four to five years down the line, but I wouldn't be shocked if we see it in a sooner wave after only a year or two.


Mutilators only exist in the first place to be a dual kit option with oblits, and the existing models are pretty clearly last minute, zero effort fillers to plug the gap when that kit wasn't ready.  When or if we'll ever actually see them is anybody's guess, but it was certainly planned at some point, and again it wouldn't shock me if they managed to turn up before the next codex, though I wouldn't exactly say I'm expecting them sooner.

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I would like an update to CSM squads and cult troops as they desperately need to be redone in the same style as the Dv chosen now that wound be awesome, plastic models of all the greater daemons would be nice they were rumoured so was really disappointed when they didn't show there was also meant to be a Palanquin of Nurgle which was rumoured hopefully there is as it would be nice to see If GW make it awesome or horrible looking
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I would like an update to CSM squads and cult troops as they desperately need to be redone in the same style as the Dv chosen

I must be the only person who doesn't want this to happen... ermm.gif

I like the detail and character, but stylistically they don't do it for me. I suppose, though, that with the FW series of different armour marks that I could still finish up my dudes in a way that would make me happy if they changed the current CSM models.

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I would like an update to CSM squads and cult troops as they desperately need to be redone in the same style as the Dv chosen

I must be the only person who doesn't want this to happen... ermm.gif

I like the detail and character, but stylistically they don't do it for me. I suppose, though, that with the FW series of different armour marks that I could still finish up my dudes in a way that would make me happy if they changed the current CSM models.

Nahh brah, I feel that feel too.

I also think those models are neat, but don't want them for my army. They have a heavily corrupted (that's the best way I think I could put it) feel to them. I want renegades, and Marines betrayed by the Empire.

While I am being selfish and not wanting the CSM box to change, I understand how some people could want a more updated box with more cool bits and stuff, but in the mean time I would recommend getting a box of raptors, they come with a craaazzzy amount of cool bits, that can make regular CSM similar to said DV Chosen.

Also (part 1) I've been irritated a little recently with the fact that CSM can only use outdated outdated equipment, that does not include pre/heresy weaponry. Space Marines get all these cool flying things and weapons and etc etc. But we get none of that because we've fallen from the light, but what about all that old crap. GIMME DAT OLD CRAP. I understand that you know forge world made some of these up as they went along and they are like 2 different hands of Vishnu, but come on.

Also (part 2) I think that CSM just doesn't sell enough to warrant new models as often as say regular Marines. When I say Marines I literally mean all of them SW, DA, BA, BT lots of cool bitz and pieces that all equal the same thing (in essence) which is a space marine. I can't be the first person to have said it, Space Marines are really the main stay of 40k. Not everyone can relate to space elves, emo elves, blue fish, xenomorphs from hadleys hope, green fungus, nuns with guns, and space zombies. But everyone want to be a two meter tall killing machine. Sure everyone could be a guards men but I mean come on. (I do realize I'm painting with some broad strokes here, so bear with me).

But I am just the consumer, and I realize I can take it or leave it.

But I have to say, I'm usually satified with what GW provides, and when GW (pronounce Geee Dub-ya) don't provide, Sinners Red makes due. As I'm sure many of us, have, and will continue to do.

rable rable rable.


Buy bits. convert. evolve. work on your art.

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Unless there is a rule suppliment for the new models, I don't exactly predict good sales for anything but cultists. Seems everyone already has two dozen plague marines, and those are about all that's used. Super brutal noise marines could sell probably, but no matter how brutal/cool/detailed/pretty or otherwise awesome new thousand sons models are, they probably won't even be able to sell all 1000 of the sons. As for berzerkers.. we have enough of those on the shelf to make a blood angels army as is. I also forsee a price hike that will really deter buyers. I know the raptor kit is an example of "pretty with not-so-good rules." Maybe the sales on those serve as a direct contradiction to what I would imagine the attitude of the player to be.


We already have all kinds of pretty nice thousand sons model options on puppetswar, though. I've yet to see any of those ra/bastet/ankhur heads or shoulder pads in real life


@op: you can ebay a seprate hellbrute pretty easy since people are picking cultists out of those kits in droves.

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In terms of what I want to see, I'm definitely in the camp that wants new infantry - CSMs, Cults, a multipart chosen box - in the style of the DV chosen & the new raptors/warp talons. I know some prefer a less corrupted, renegade marine look, but imo those players are covered by 30k forgeworld releases. I want honest to goodness CHAOS marines of the 41st millenium, corrupted by ten thousand years of hate spent festering in the Eye of Terror. Even the Heldrake and Fiend, and new character models are insufficiently 'chaotic' to me next to the, imo, spectacular starter box helbrute, chosen, and lord.
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Sadly I don't think GW is going to be putting out new CSM stuff.  I just don't see there being much of a market for Hellbrutes, and mutilators are just a non-starter.


I am somewhat suprised that they don't make it easier to get Noise Marine bits.  Having to order them from GW bites.

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im refusing to buy any more GW stuff untill they release a plastic bloodthirster, its all i wanted from the last daemon release and it wasnt there sad.png


I'm still going back on forth on whether I want to convert one from the daemon prince model or hold out for a new model.

I'm sure the second I decide to start working on it, they'll release the new one...

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At minimum, I'd like a re-cut of the basic CSM sprues to fix the leg trim detail fails.


What I'd really like is for the sprues to get re-done at the level of the Tau Pathfinder kit: ALL options are on the sprue, not the "one of each special weapon per box" stuff that we have in the current CSM line. Whether they make DV style heavily corrupted models, or something dialed back to the style of the current CSM kit isn't a huge issue with me, I already use a mix of loyalist and chaos parts to make my less corrupted CSMs and vary that mix and/or do conversion work for cult troops etc.


And, of course once they have a CAD-designed sprue for CSM, I'd like one for each of the cult choices and Havocs (Which in my mind should be an Aspiring Champion with some unique appearance options, and then 4 heavy weapon troops and 4 each of heavy bolter, autocannon, missile launcher, and lascannon. The basic CSM box should have all the parts for the rest of a havoc squad and any special weapon choices taken.)

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