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Infantry heavy anti space elves force...

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Hello all


Iv been playing my friend with eldar and somehow been mashed both times, maybe down to pants reserve rolls and him stealing 1st turn twice in a row!


Anyway.. Here is my idea to deal with these annoying t3 good cover saving elves.




Sternguards x9

X3 combi meltas

Sgt melta bombs

Drop pod 35


Sanguinuary priest w/s.bolter


Tacticools x10

Flamer, hvy bolter.

Sgt. Combi flamer

Drop pod.


Assault squad x10

X2 flamers


Assault squad x10

X2 melta guns

Sgt. Melta bombs


Sanguinary priest j.pack h.flamer


Assault squad x 10

X2plasma guns

Drop pod



X4 missile launchers

+2 marines


That's It 1500 pts of pain.


Idea is to pod the sterns and Tac squad in to take a flank and pop a vehicle or whatever needs.

Assault squad jumps up with priest to support.


Other assault squad in pod combat squads x5 in pod with plasmas to take objective. Other 5 sit on home objective with devastators.


Any ideas, or does this sound ok?


Cheers in advance :-)

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You could always see if you can exchange the devestators for a pair of whirlwinds.. Barrage, and ingnores cover should be fun against them i guess..!

From your list, id say that you have alot of troops, and not much support.. Maybe get in another drop pod, with a fragcannon furioso dreadnought, with a heavy flamer.. They to should make quick work against covers..!

I would proberbly also not use any plasma guns in an assault squad, as they will ruin your every chance of getting the first assault.

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Yeah he generally takes a falcon and some fw tank, so not much about armour wise.


Whirlwinds.. Not thought of that!


The idea with the plasma assault squad was to pod in and snap up an objective, rather than assault in there, but maybe flamers or melta would be better? Then they don't blow themselves up lol

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What's in the Eldar army that is giving you trouble?


I'd almost certainly swap the librarian for a chaplain. Runes of warding mean that if you use a power each turn, your librarian will statisticall kill himself over the course of the game. The chaplain cuts through 4+ aspect armour, and ID's T3 with the Crozius. Cassius would rock - Eldar either have high strength or low ap in combat. Cass has high T and 3+. Lots of trouble.


Would the FW tank be the warp hunter? Long barrel, removes entire squads at a time? Use the sernguard to take that out ASAP.


A thunderfire would ruin an eldars day. Failing that, a whirlwind.


I'm also pretty sure that you cannot put half a combat squad in a pod and half on the table - Unless something has changed, you cannot combat squad in reserve, meaning the squad has to all be in the pod, then combat squad when they disembark, or they all start on the table, and the pod comes down empty.

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Xenith, are you sure about the combat squad, and drop pod?

The codex states that from the moment you decide to combat squad them, they are for all purposes two units that can deploy in separate locations. Says nothing about not beeing able to have one in reserve, and one on the table. As for the drop pod, it states that the you can choose to combat squad that unit after it has arrived instead. I cant find anything that says that you cannot combat squad it before, having half of it in the pod, and rest on table..

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My bad: The FAQ which corrected the codex said that units in reserve cannot be combat squadded, only when they hit the table. Ergo, you may not have half deploy on table, and half pod on (come from reserve), or have half on table, have half walk on later.


This was the case for over a year. The last but one FAQ has now changed this, so that you decide before deployment who is combat squadding, so you are now able to put 5 men in the pod, and 5 men on the table.

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Right, makes sense, 5 walk on, and 5 pod in for a cheeky backfield objective..also saves getting shot up a little. Or the chance of it.


Xenith- I think it may have been a couple of bad games, he's very shooty, and it's hard to get into range for bolt gunning him down..so if I push up with pods whilst my assault marines jump up, gives him some problems from turn one. My thoughts anyway :-)

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Eldar's strength is powerful short range shooting and the ability to rapidly redeploy. BA are a hard counter in that they are a marine army that can (almost) match pace with them, and thus can give them trouble. 


Take down a fire dragon transport first. This is imperative. Warp hunters are of equal priority. wipe out jetbikes (if you can get a clear bead) in whole units if you can. This shouldnt be too hard as they usually come in units of 3.


Shoot the fast things, assault the slow ones.

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He sat at the back and blasted me with a warp hunter and falcon..Believe it or not. My reserves arrived piece meal so he chopped me up with reapers and bladestorm. It was the relic game. I seemed to be the only one going for it. My razor didn't even get to move and he'd immobilised my vindi on his stolen turn 1!!

He hasn't a fast army, more infantry heavy..but I think he plans to use more falcons soon.

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Yea, it highlights how important it is to have decent 48" fire support in any army. The Warp Hunter is deadly, but fragile. Reapers have found a place in lists again in 6th now that area terrain is only 5+ instead of 4+.


I would avoid reserving anything against Eldar. Their game plan is to split up the enemy army and attack each piece separately. By reserving units, you are doing this for them.


Eldar easily have the firepower to wipe a unit from the board in one turn. If it's your only unit, then not good. You need to present multiple threats to split their fire.

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I've always liked the HB sponsons and Assault Cannon. 10 AP4 shots vs eldar is brutal. I also agree with podded Sternguard and Fragioso. If you can find one more pod you can deepstrike Fragioso and Sternguard turn 1. Should deal with the reapers and Forgeworld Tank turn one if scatter isn't too bad.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well.. This army definitely does not work against this new eldar codex brothers.. Quick overlook:


I took turn one (finally!3 games and he stole it on 6s!)

He literally castled everything in the corner, as far away and all hidden. So no option to hit anything decent.

He rolled plus 1 cvr save.



Dropped in, I killed 3 dark reapers, and didn't even glance the a 12 beardy fw tank with my 4 meltas in sterns and tacs.


Rolled a 1 and a 2 to run my assaults. Hit 8 times with ml. No wounds.


His t1

Run,shoot, rend, Killy Killy.

Sterns dead,sang priest dead, 8 tacs dead.

6 ass marines in 1 squad dead in charge, rest finished by scorpions.

Other assault squad -5 marines. Scouts saved a couple of wounds.


I called it after the t1 massacre.


The new guardian rules are sick, running and rends. reapers are actually cheaper and basically cost +3 points with flak.

So a lot of dead marines!

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