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Tales of Heroes

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I want your most insane tales of heroism, courage and sillyness from the battlefield with your blood angels. There is ocasionally those games where you just defy the odds and smack statistics in the face. If you ask me, those are the games you remember even if you lost.


I had a game in 5th edition versus chaos. It mas a mop-up mission for the chaos forces. I virtually had no chance. But there was one who resisted, who refused to go down. He kept going in an insane tale of unyielding will and fortitude ;) Lemartes, crazed with rage stood alone left and undiscouraged against the forces of chaos.


So lemartes was joined by a handfull of death company. He lost a wound early due to bolter fire, and man was he angry. The death company guys died in bolter and plasma fireing. Leaving Lemartes alone. While the rest of my army got butchered Lemartes charged into combat on the left flank of the battlefield. He slaughtered a unit of chaos marines and kept moving forward. He was charged by a ten man close combat scouts unit with a chaos lord and held his own to later wipe out the unit in his blind rage. After which he moved out to the middle of the battlefield to take on a deamon prince which he also slayed only to be left standing all alone in the middle of the battlefield with all his other blood angel forces dead. 


I lost by plenty but Lemartes was just silly. He went crazy and refused to die. We started counting how many saves that he made thoughout the game and it was just silly. He made 80 regular saves and 20 invulnerable saves. I loved Lemartes in 5th :D

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Last edition, I had a game against a friends chaos army, his chaos lord charged a tactical squad and killed everything except the sergeant, who stood defiantly against the traitor, with a cry to sanguinius he punched the lords head clean off (instant deathing the bugger)


In the same game, Tyco, a priest and 5 sternguard held off a full rubric squad + sorcerer, 2 10 man chaos squads and the remnants of a vanguard squad for the entire game, when the dust settled the only one still standing was Tyco... completely unwounded.


Despite the above, I still lost though :P (objectives and he killed my final tactical marines in the last turn by focus firing them, he had one (of 4) objectives, I had had 1 also up till that point.

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I had an excellent game once, in 5th Ed, where I had a squad of shotgun scouts shoot down a DE Raider. They were assaulted next turn by the surviving Incubi, but managed to hold their own for a full two turns after.

Another time, also in 5th, I had a squad of shotgun scouts destroy an Ork Battlewagon with a lucky krak grenade.

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During a game against my housemate Kaylum's Chaos Marines (straight-up battle for kill points) I was winning by 1 kill point when his Abaddon and Terminator Retinue stomped into bolter range of one of my remaining Tactical squads.

The Tac squad only had about six members left when the Despoiler's bodyguards (and a Lascannon sponson from his immoblised Land Raider) opened fire, whittling the group down to just the Sergeant who defiantly stood his ground as the Warmaster himself took aim with his combi-bolter, firing two shots.

One shot went wide, the second hit.

Kaylum rolled to see if it wounded, resulting in a six.

I rolled for my 3+ armour save, the die clattered across the table before coming to rest... Six. *cue cheering*

The game ended after that thanks to a fortuitous roll for random game length (we were on turn 5) and my victory was secured, I was so proud of my brave little Sergeant that I upon recently re-discovered his old model I decided to give him a name, a internal backstory and a bit of refurbishment.

Now he's 3rd Company Veteran Sergeant Zephon, bane of the Black Legion. smile.png

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A game I had this week. Although it involves Mephiston, I was very proud to be a Blood Angel afterwards...


I was playing against a Nurgle daemon army in a 2v2 match and due to bad reserve roles I was reduced to a pair of assault squads and Mephiston against an array of Nurgle daemons including a daemon prince and a Great Unclean One, both gunning for him with just an assault squad left to help Mephiston on that side of the table until the Stormraven and pod DC arrived. The daemon prince was massively buffed up with various rewards and warp filth goodies and basically my opponent made a line for Mephiston with both the prince and the GUO. The prince charged through the assault squad from one side whilst the GUO took the other side. Big painful death on the way.


The prince declared his charge first and got the roll to get to Mephiston. I forget how he was buffed but it was ridiculous initiative, strength, a mass of extra attacks, and he had a some sort of filth touched weapon with instant death. Essentially, I was dead as he would hit first and undoubtedly kill me.


Sadly for the daemon player, he failed to remember that Mephiston was standing on the edge side of a crater - I'd had to place a dice where he should have been as he kept falling over. For the poor prince, this meant he was charging through difficult terrain. Which meant he dropped to I1. Oh dear.


Five attacks later, one strength 10 sword psychic power, and force sword activation = one very pissed off Nurgle general and one very dead daemon prince.


By this time the GUO had wiped out the assault squad. He was then charged by Mephiston as it was either charge or be charged. The Nurgle player had already tooled up the Great Unclean One with an instant death blessing (?) or some foul kind and was all ridiculously confident I would defo die this time. Tied on initiative. I rolled first. Five out of five hits. I think I scored three wounds with the strength 10 Sanguine Sword but he had six base... rolled to activate the force sword... one dead Greater Daemon. And one disbelieving Nurgle player. He did get some final satisfaction as he inflicted one wound and his instant death blessing/hex/hoodoovoodoo killed Mephiston in return... but I think the return for me was more than satisfactory!



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A game I had this week. Although it involves Mephiston, I was very proud to be a Blood Angel afterwards...


I was playing against a Nurgle daemon army in a 2v2 match and due to bad reserve roles I was reduced to a pair of assault squads and Mephiston against an array of Nurgle daemons including a daemon prince and a Great Unclean One, both gunning for him with just an assault squad left to help Mephiston on that side of the table until the Stormraven and pod DC arrived. The daemon prince was massively buffed up with various rewards and warp filth goodies and basically my opponent made a line for Mephiston with both the prince and the GUO. The prince charged through the assault squad from one side whilst the GUO took the other side. Big painful death on the way.


The prince declared his charge first and got the roll to get to Mephiston. I forget how he was buffed but it was ridiculous initiative, strength, a mass of extra attacks, and he had a some sort of filth touched weapon with instant death. Essentially, I was dead as he would hit first and undoubtedly kill me.


Sadly for the daemon player, he failed to remember that Mephiston was standing on the edge side of a crater - I'd had to place a dice where he should have been as he kept falling over. For the poor prince, this meant he was charging through difficult terrain. Which meant he dropped to I1. Oh dear.


Five attacks later, one strength 10 sword psychic power, and force sword activation = one very pissed off Nurgle general and one very dead daemon prince.


By this time the GUO had wiped out the assault squad. He was then charged by Mephiston as it was either charge or be charged. The Nurgle player had already tooled up the Great Unclean One with an instant death blessing (?) or some foul kind and was all ridiculously confident I would defo die this time. Tied on initiative. I rolled first. Five out of five hits. I think I scored three wounds with the strength 10 Sanguine Sword but he had six base... rolled to activate the force sword... one dead Greater Daemon. And one disbelieving Nurgle player. He did get some final satisfaction as he inflicted one wound and his instant death blessing/hex/hoodoovoodoo killed Mephiston in return... but I think the return for me was more than satisfactory!




Great stuff man! :D That must have been a massive amount of points of nurgle he took out? 


I can imagine mephiston with his massive sword raised above his head just waiting to slice up the that nurgle blob "Come to papa" :D

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Last edition, I had a game against a friends chaos army, his chaos lord charged a tactical squad and killed everything except the sergeant, who stood defiantly against the traitor, with a cry to sanguinius he punched the lords head clean off (instant deathing the bugger)

In the same game, Tyco, a priest and 5 sternguard held off a full rubric squad + sorcerer, 2 10 man chaos squads and the remnants of a vanguard squad for the entire game, when the dust settled the only one still standing was Tyco... completely unwounded.

Despite the above, I still lost though tongue.png (objectives and he killed my final tactical marines in the last turn by focus firing them, he had one (of 4) objectives, I had had 1 also up till that point.

:D thats pretty cool. Tycho must have made saves lika a champ?

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My last game with my Blood Angels I had Corbulo and Tycho attached to a tac squad.  That squad soaked enemy hits through the 2+ armor or 2+ FNP depending on which I needed and ended up killing many units of Tyranids both in shooting and combat.  In the end, when the last tyranid MC was about to charge them, Tycho fired his combi-melta in overwatch, hit and killed the MC.


The entire game turned on his inability to kill Corbulo or Tycho.

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Way back in fourth I had a game again nids, I think 1000 points. DC had exhausted themselves against hormagaunts and genestealers and were gunned down by my opponents warriors. My tacticals fared the same fate. I only had my close combat scout left.

Lo and behold the PF sarg and single scout reach combat. The scout dies in the first combat round. I do 1 wound to a warrior (who doesent die due to them beeing immume to ID back then...)

Next turn I get wounded once or twice, pass armour and do another wound. 1 Warrior down.

By the combat phase on the last turn my scout sargeant finaly had eaten through the last of the 3 warriors, his armour torn and shredded in dozens of place but the warrior hero still lived! As the last remaining model on the table teehee.gif

Ive since then gave him a tyranid warrior skull strapped to his powerfist as a momento but wanted to rework the model. It deserved a much greater paint job, not to mention PF with tyranid skull trophy whistlingW.gif

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Just a few weeks ago, I was playing a RTT, and the first game was against Tyrannids. I had lost everything but a Furioso in combat with a Tervigon (neither going anywhere), a Librarian and Priest stuck in combat with another Tervigon (again, they got to hit!), and Mephiston. He had 40 more termagants on the board, Swarmlord, a warrior prime inside a termagant unit, and another 7 'gants which were running away (fearless) with the Relic behind all this.


The only model outside of combat was Mephiston with 1 wound left (horrible roll against the Doom), 22 inches away from the closest 'gant in that relic squad, and the Lord of Death only had 1 wound left. I knew what I had to do, and assured my opponent I wanted to finish my turn because this was going to be the last round due to time restriction in the RTT (did I mention that?).


I got Wings of Sanguinus off, and jumped 12" out of area terrain into open terrain and made the dangerous terrain check. Then I shot the plasma pistol, killing one termagant, making my charge range 11 inches instead of 10 (I premeasured, just to make sure), but meaning I could theoretically kill all 6 in close combat. I just had to get there. I rolled assault range through difficult terrain, rolling 5, 5, and 6. But wait, he's the Lord of Fleet, too! I rerolled the 5s, and got a 5 and a 6. Amazing! I got into combat.


Now I just had to kill all 6 because the relic holding model was on the far side of the squad. I got Unleash Rage off, (didn't need S10, even though they had Feel No Pain due to S6!), and rolled to hit on 3s. I got 3 hits, but 3 ones! I reroll the 1s, and get 3 more hits. I can see my opponent sweating now, a far cry from wanting me to concede just 2 minutes earlier. So I roll to wound, and roll 2 ones! Oh, bless 6th edition Preferred Enemy! I reroll those, get 2 more wounds, and wipe the squad, dropping the relic and ending in a tie.


A mathmatically probable defeat became a draw in an epic set of rolling. Mephiston would be worth 350 points, I think. He's the Lord of Anything on the tabletop.


Edit: Later, during a game against Chaos in the same RTT, Mephiston destroyed 2 Helbrutes, a chaos lord in gear, and then commandeered the enemy's quad gun to shoot a helldrake out of the sky. Seriously, he can do anything.

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Just a few weeks ago, I was playing a RTT, and the first game was against Tyrannids. I had lost everything but a Furioso in combat with a Tervigon (neither going anywhere), a Librarian and Priest stuck in combat with another Tervigon (again, they got to hit!), and Mephiston. He had 40 more termagants on the board, Swarmlord, a warrior prime inside a termagant unit, and another 7 'gants which were running away (fearless) with the Relic behind all this.


The only model outside of combat was Mephiston with 1 wound left (horrible roll against the Doom), 22 inches away from the closest 'gant in that relic squad, and the Lord of Death only had 1 wound left. I knew what I had to do, and assured my opponent I wanted to finish my turn because this was going to be the last round due to time restriction in the RTT (did I mention that?).


I got Wings of Sanguinus off, and jumped 12" out of area terrain into open terrain and made the dangerous terrain check. Then I shot the plasma pistol, killing one termagant, making my charge range 11 inches instead of 10 (I premeasured, just to make sure), but meaning I could theoretically kill all 6 in close combat. I just had to get there. I rolled assault range through difficult terrain, rolling 5, 5, and 6. But wait, he's the Lord of Fleet, too! I rerolled the 5s, and got a 5 and a 6. Amazing! I got into combat.


Now I just had to kill all 6 because the relic holding model was on the far side of the squad. I got Unleash Rage off, (didn't need S10, even though they had Feel No Pain due to S6!), and rolled to hit on 3s. I got 3 hits, but 3 ones! I reroll the 1s, and get 3 more hits. I can see my opponent sweating now, a far cry from wanting me to concede just 2 minutes earlier. So I roll to wound, and roll 2 ones! Oh, bless 6th edition Preferred Enemy! I reroll those, get 2 more wounds, and wipe the squad, dropping the relic and ending in a tie.


A mathmatically probable defeat became a draw in an epic set of rolling. Mephiston would be worth 350 points, I think. He's the Lord of Anything on the tabletop.


Edit: Later, during a game against Chaos in the same RTT, Mephiston destroyed 2 Helbrutes, a chaos lord in gear, and then commandeered the enemy's quad gun to shoot a helldrake out of the sky. Seriously, he can do anything.


Holy crap :D This thread is developing more inte to "reasons why to take mephiston". Now that is slapping statistics in the face against the nids. Incredible. 

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