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Skorpion's Angels Encarmine Blog


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Hello all,


I have decided to start an Angels Encarmine army and my progress shall be posted on this thread here. Quick question though - how do they distinguish between squads since vanilla ba use a helmet denotation system and i was wondering if these guys did the same thing or something different. Thanks :)

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Hello all,

I have decided to start an Angels Encarmine army and my progress shall be posted on this thread here. Quick question though - how do they distinguish between squads since vanilla ba use a helmet denotation system and i was wondering if these guys did the same thing or something different. Thanks smile.png

Traditionally blood angels also use a helmet based system to distinguish.

  • Tacticals - red
  • Assault marines - yellow
  • Devestators - blue
  • Veterans - gold

I myself use a different on the other hand. I use gold for assault troops and white for veterans and elites :)

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Hello all,

I have decided to start an Angels Encarmine army and my progress shall be posted on this thread here. Quick question though - how do they distinguish between squads since vanilla ba use a helmet denotation system and i was wondering if these guys did the same thing or something different. Thanks smile.png

Traditionally blood angels also use a helmet based system to distinguish.

  • Tacticals - red
  • Assault marines - yellow
  • Devestators - blue
  • Veterans - gold

I myself use a different on the other hand. I use gold for assault troops and white for veterans and elites smile.png

Oh sorry man that didn't answer your question at all. read through it to quickly. Seems like they are like regular blood angels but with white sang guard and death company.

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Basically, it doesn't say.


Of all the successor chapters, the Blood Drinkers are noted to follow the markings of the codex astartes.


From that, you can infer that the others do not follow codex squad designation. They are likely to follow the BA marking system, or have their own system entirely.


The Flesh tearers for example have squad numbers, as opposed to symbols.


Basically, the answer to your question, is whatever you want the answer to be.

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