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Terminator loadout

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Hi guys, I've got a set of Dark Vengeance Terminators I'm converting to Heresy/chaos termies,I'm planning on getting some more as they're so cheap, to make at least one 10man squad, possibly another 2 squads.




My question is how should I load them out? Currently they have fists, as shown above, should I leave them with the fists, or convert them with mauls/axes/swords/claws? If so, what percentage of what?


Also, combi bolters, combi weapons or volkite chargers?



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well the internets would say small squads with all combi meltas for tank busting. i take mine with 2 combi meltas, reaper atuocannon, 2 power mauls, 1 lightning claw and 2 power fists. seams to do fine.

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I find three things almost mandatory when you field chaos terminators. First, one chainfist as a base, you never know when you have to face enemy armor, second, our power weapons are free thus make them power axes, AP 2 is too good to skip, third, MSU is perhaps the best way to field them. Cheap, cheerful and expendable. 

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It depends on how you want to use them. Deepstrike heavy armor killers need to be as cheap as possible since they drop in, fire once and then eat incoming fire that wipes them out. 3 terminator models: 3 combi-melta or 2 melta 1 plasma.

If you want an assault squad in a Land Raider -- well I would try to talk you out of it but if it is what you want -- 5 models: 1 CF, 2 TLC, 2 Axes


If you want a mobile firing platform to deepstrike in, take out a target and stay in the back to harass and hold, 6 models: Reaper, 2 X combi-plasma, (c-bolters for the rest) 1 CF, 2 axes, 3 single LC. This is the only unit that would be on the table and not locked in combat for more than one shooting phase so it is the only one I would spend points for a reaper AC on.


Or you could just go with a mix of whatever looks cool. Unlike some loyalist armies, chaos terminators are not key elements we build a list around. Just be frugal with their cost and they will do OK.

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