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Blood angel bikers: good anvil unit?


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Hey all,

Ive been reading through the rulebook abit (havent played this eddition much and want to pick up gaming again :)) and came across the bike section.

Reading through this section I was struck by how much survivability bikes gained as a whole!

First of all just moving gives them a 5+ cover save, improved to a 4+ when turbo boosting. Theyre only instant killed on S10 weapons. (so can take FnP against stuff like lascannons :D) They can take armour (and FnP) saves against dangerous terrain tests and with premessuring the chance that they are going to outside of chargerange is somewhat lessend. (though still present thanks to random charge length)

Also thanks to the fact that BA's cant take AA on their Captains *grumble grumble* taking an attack bike (boost in tougness) is the only way we can boost the survivability of our characters (other then captain who can take a storm shield as well)

So would a HQ mounted on a bike with SP on bike with a bike squad be a good "anvil" unit for blood angels? While pretty expensive in points its also incredibly resiliant, mobile, can dish out decent firepower and be an overall pain in the backside to get rid off woot.gif

Thoughts on this?

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It's something I have considered for a while. The unit gets HoW attacks, which make up for lack of ccw, they're very tough.


Maybe use them as more of a screen than an anvil? Make the assault marines behind get a 5+ cover save.


Either way, 2x plasma guns on a very tough unit is ace. Throw a killy character in there (TH/SS captain?)


I'm currently debating whether to use BA bikers, or ally in the Khan (captain of the 8th?) from C:SM for hit and run.

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BA Bikers with 2x Plasmagun and Plasma Pistol on Sergeant, with Priest on Bike with Plasma Pistol is a pretty damn good anvil unit.


It's not competitively priced, but you will get a lot of fun out of it.

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Well, personally I like the Attack Bikes. Three multi meltas are good for opening cans and giving you First Blood. 


Priest on bike make things interesting because they become even more mobile to support your army (and more resilient).


I would use them.



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